xxiv. forgiveness

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"i guess he wants you to start flying in on friday," your mom announced, sighing at the news.

your eyes widened, mouth slight agape. "last i knew it wasn't suppose to be until sunday!" it was currently wednesday, meaning in two days your father wanted you to be at the airport flying into america.

"i know kid. he never wanted to be in your life until two years ago. its fucked up." she glared at the wooden floor.

you groaned, rubbing your temples. "i don't even want to see him either! only reason i'm going there is because if i don't he might take you away from me..." you trailed off, not even wanting to think about what could happen.

your mother simply hummed in agreement, her glare never leaving the floor. you walk towards your mother and gave her a bear hug. she rubbed your back as you rubbed hers. you didn't want to loose her. and you knew she doesn't want to you loose you either.

"it's going to be okay mom," you croaked, resting your chin on her shoulder. "nothing is gonna happen to me."

she sniffed in reply, digging her face into your neck. it broke your heart to see your mother like this. she was the best thing in your life; you didn't want to loose her.

you hugged her tighter. the two of you stayed in that position for a while, the only noises being the sniffles. you dug your face into her neck as well, not wanting her to see you vulnerable.

suddenly she patted your back, detaching herself from the hug. she sniffed on last time before giving you a soft smile. you simply smiled back at her.

"want me to kick his ass for you?" you asked, lightening the mood.

"please do. get in a few good punches too," she joked back, grinning.


she patted your shoulder before walking into the kitchen. "i'm gonna start up dinner. go start packing because i know you haven't even touched that suitcase."

"hey! don't call me out like this," you exclaimed. she simply laughed, causing you to chuckle.

you turned around and headed up the stairs. walking down the hallway, you entered your messy room and flopped onto your f/c bed.

you grabbed your phone from off the charger and checked notifications. there were notifications from class 1-b's group chat, the pizza hut group chat, and other apps you don't pay attention to.

but one notification caught you off guard. it was a dm request from none other than bakugou katsuki.

"what the hell- why does he want to talk," you mumbled, pressing on the notification.

💥KING EXPLOSION MURDER💥 wants to message you!

accept? << or deny?


loading messages...

loading complete!

We need to talk.
I shouldn't of yelled at you like that
Just was pissed off at you for not realizing the seriousness behind everyones texts and got defensive
I'm almost positive that you have your own class chat- and that they react differently to your "cursed images" than us
So it might cheer them up, but not everyone is the same. It was also after a traumatic event that Deku could've died in (even though I couldn't care less about that fucking moron). Work on timing.
We were both in the wrong
So I'm stepping up and saying I'm sorry.
Also because you're petty as fuck
The extras actually seem to enjoy your presence and the argument fucked what everyone had with you and made everything awkward in the group chat

I know you're reading this
I get the notification when you accept requests
Bastard fucking respond


the all mighty bakugou katsuki is apologizing?
damn there goes my plan of chopping your dick off


im half joking
but on a real note
thank you for apologizing to me
it means a lot especially coming from you and your ego

It was nothing

anddddd theres the bakugou i know
so we cool now?

I mean I guess
Also don't chop off my dick

and also great we're buds again 💪😎
now im gonna go pack for america
ill talk in the gc in a bit
ttyl 😌

you went offline!

Shouldn't you also apologize!?!?

💥KING EXPLOSION MURDER💥 has cleared the chat!

"HAHAHHHAHA! I GOT THIS BASTARD TO APOLOGIZE!!! I REALLY AM A GOD!" you shouted, jumping on your bed.

your door swung open, revealing your very concerned mother holding a frying pan. scared shitless, you accidentally hit your head on the ceiling and fell onto your bed.

"IS EVERYTHING OKAY- WOAH ARE YOU OKAY?!" she shouted, throwing her pan somewhere and rushing to your aid.

"i'm all good no worries. tis but a bump," you stated, rubbing your sore head. definitely lost some brain cells there.

"i heard you scream so i grabbed the frying pan like in tangled ready to fight a probably hot villain and so i kicked down your door but everything was okay except you loosing a few more cells in your head-" she rambled on, touching your head. "at least you're okay."

you grinned at her worry, glad that she cares about you. "i'm all good trust me. nothing but a bump on my head." you assured.

your mom sighed in relief, standing herself up. "good good. i'm gonna finish cooking while you get finished packing."

you nodded as she walked out of the room. you closed the door behind her, slowly turning around at the disaster in front of you. aka, your room.

"this... is gonna take a minute."

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