xli. elsa gotta do his thing

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"tell us your plan."

at least someone here has a brain. it ain't you though.

"the thing is, it's all gonna depend on kacchan..." izuku mumbled, rubbing his wrists.

you scoffed. of course it will. he's the one we're saving after all.

"if i did the plan myself, i don't think it'll work."

obviously. the dude hates you with his entire heart.

"kirishima, you're the key to this plan," greenette whispered, switching his gaze to the redhead.

the redhead gasped as if he wasn't expecting this answer. you giggled at him, quickly coughing afterwards. todoroki sent you a glare, then looked back at izuku.

"c'mon, we need details midoriya," he grumbled.

someone had their panties in a twist.

"right," the greenette muttered. "here's the plan..."

that's when you zoned out. look, you're all in for saving and getting your main character moment, but plans bored you. you were just gonna do your own thing anyways.

you turned your head once more and watched the fight between all for one and all might. their battle was more entertaining than what the other five had going on.

slenderman-wannabe threw all might back, monologuing like the evil villain he was. you scoffed at him, rooting for all might. bakugou had thrown himself into the air with his explosions, avoiding whatever the league was tryna pull.

you would've definitely yelled slay if it weren't for the predicament you were still in.

"are you out of your mind?" iida whispered, causing you to glance at him.

"maybe," you muttered, earning yourself another glare from todoroki.

"kacchan would've realized the situation by now," izuku stated, confidence radiating off of him.

"i agree," peppermint stick replied.

"we have to move when him and the villains have space between them."

momo and iida shared a unknowing look. "it is a gambled," the bluenette started. "but all things considered, there's not much risk to us. it could change the tide of this fight."

a silence dropped between the six of you.

"i'm in."

you glanced between everyone, confused as fuck. maybe you should've listened to the plan.

izuku and iida stood on the wall, kirishima between them. they slowly started to activate their quirks, izuku's legs lighting up with red lightning bolts and iida's legs steaming up.

you quirked an eyebrow as kirishima also activated his quirk. he copied the black panther pose, causing you to hold back a laugh.

they all looked so goofy.

suddenly, they pushed off of the wall, bursting through the small wall. todoroki quickly took their place, creating the biggest ice wall you had ever seen.

"slay elsa!" you cheered quietly, pumping the air with your fist.

he shot you another glare, huffing. the move must've taken a bit out of him. him and momo shared a looked, turning back to the other three.

you also looked back at the battle field. bakugou shot up into the air, blowing away the stank ass villains. he grasped kirishima's hand, holding on for dear life.

"wooooo!! they did it!" you cheered, turning your head back to the other two.

except they were gone. they ditched you.

you gasped angrily. "those hoes!" you whisper-shouted, running off to find them.

they just completely ran off without you! if you were them, you wouldn't of left a friend behind like that.

rude much?!

you huffed, jogging towards the other four who were falling from the sky like a clarity gacha video. you laughed at the thought.

nothing beats your own jokes.

you spotter mt. lady falling from her stance, shaking the earth with her body. was her ass really that fat?

you shook your head, continuing to jog. those thought couldn't be running through your mind right now.

eventually, you spotted the lines of people rushing to escape kamino ward. police were lines up everywhere, directing the ongoing crowds and cars.

how were you gonna find the group?

grumbling again, you slowed down your pace and followed the crowds. you didn't need them anyways! if they were gonna ditch you, then you were gonna act like you never needed them to begin with.

it was a stupid mission anyways. why would you even want to rescue bakugou? he's a big boy. he can save himself.

you scanned the crowds, trying to spot someone you knew. izuku, iida, hell even todoroki. any one of them.

maybe you did need them.

you then gasped, remembering you left your mother all alone. you were the original ditcher.

you checked your phone, figuring out you had multiple missed calls from your mom. pressing the call back button, you waited for her to ring you back. after a few rings, she picked up.

"hey mom-"

"L/N Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" she hollered.

you chuckled nervously. "i'm in a crowd. i'm not all to sure where i'm at either."

she sighed, grumbling to herself. "i just get you back, and i've gone and lost you again!"

"we have our locations on! if we don't find each other, we'll find one another at home," you reasoned, looking above the crowd to try and find a h/c woman or one of your friends.

you heard her sigh once more. "fine. if i find you on the news so help me i'll make sure to feed you only

you jokingly gasped. "nuh uh! i just won't eat anymore."

"uh huh. i'll keep looking for you. don't die."

"yup. same to you. goodbye i love you."

"yeah yeah whatever goodbye love you too." the call then ended.

you shoved your phone in your pocket, continuing your search.

they had to be around here somewhere.

*l/f/f = least fav. food

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