xxx. "home"

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the ride was awkward.

you couldn't go on your phone because it was still dead. your father had to drive.

and nothing to talk about.

'it's been a year and we have nothing to talk about? i can see where i get my awkwardness from.'

you sighed, staring out the window. the sky was filled with beautiful hues of pink and blue, reminding you of cotton candy. clouds littered the sky, creating multiple shapes and figures that you could imagine a reality with.

one of the clouds reminded you of a fish. it was swimming across the ocean of pink, searching for its soulmate. none of the other fishes seemed interested in the fish though. they all avoided it. they were intimidated by its size, causing the fish to be lonely and upset. then another creature befriended the fish. it told the fish, "be you and don't let anyone else tell you who to be." the fish smiled at the creature, happy to have a new friend. but then, one day the creature had-

"y/n. we're here."

you snapped out of your daydream, turning your head towards him. nodding, you opened the door of the truck and stepped out.

you took a deep breath in, the humid evening air hitting your nostrils. you sighed, staring at the house you visited at since two years ago. it was painted beige, a dark brown roof accompanying it. rocks were embedded on the corners, giving it an earthy feel.

you turned around to grab your things, just to see that they were already pulled out for you. your father stood there holding your belongings, a sheepish expression plastered on his face.

"thought you might wanted some help," he said. "i can carry it in for you if you want."

you raised an eyebrow at him, confused at his sudden niceness. "no thanks. i can carry it myself."

he nodded, handing you your items. "alright. let's head inside. i have some things i need to talk to you about."

this was the most you guys have talked since you got back from the airport. and he was being way too nice for your enjoyment.

you nodded, not bothering to verbally answer. the two of you walked on the concrete walkway, bushes guarding the side with flowers scattered around it.

that wasn't there before.

suddenly you were stopped in front of the door. you gave you father a quizzical look, raising your eyebrow.

"before you go in, i need you to promise me not to get mad."

you squinted your eyes, your confusion only rising. "why?" you asked.

his eyes wandered everywhere except your face. you tilled your eyes, sighing. "yeah sure. i won't get mad. i just want some sleep."

he sighed in relief. "good. now lets head in."

your father opened the door for you. stepping in, you were greeted by crying and something almost hitting your face.

you blinked in a daze, confused what just happened.

a woman sitting on the couch. slim figure, luscious ginger locks falling down to her shoulders, red lipstick bedazzling her lips. her eyes were a dark forest green, littered with spots of brown. reminded you of a rainforest.

there was a baby seated in a bouncer, little disgusting gurgles coming from its mouth. it bounced happily as it tried to wheel itself around.

you turned to your dad, giving him a little glare as you took off your shoes. he rubbed his neck sheepishly, nervously laughing.

"ahh yeah! i completely forgot to tell you, y/n," he started, his nervousness only growing. "this is my fiancée, charlotte."

the woman looked up at her name being said, a mix of shock and happiness appearing on her elegant features. she immediately stood up and ran to your father. she engulfed him in a hug, kissy noises coming from her scarlet lips.

"i've miss you babe. how was the trip?" she asked, her arms slung around his shoulders.

"it went well. i came back in one piece," he replied, kissing her.

you coughed. they both jolted from their position to stare at you.

"who are they?" charlotte asked, pointing a finger at you and looking at your father.

"y/n. excuse my accent when speaking in english. it's not my native language," you replied, reaching your hand out to receive a handshake.

you almost bowed on instinct.

she looked you up and down before shaking your hand. "charlotte. we should get along just fine."

you nodded, placing you hand back at your side. you placed your shoes on the shoe rack and turned your head at the toddler bouncing happily in its bouncer. making a face, you turned your head back to the couple.

"so, is that kid a product of you two?" you asked bluntly.

your father coughed nervously, slowly nodding his head. "yeah, she is. that's your half sister, sadie."

humming, you look around the house. "are there any others?"

he looked at you confused. you blink, not bothering to look at your father. "i mean kids. children. blood related or not. are there more here or no?" you stated, turning back to your father and his fiancée.

charotte nodded eagerly. "yes. my son jay. he's seventeen."

you hummed once again. "cool."

tension filled the air. the only sounds were of the television playing cocomelon and of sadie making her baby noises.

smacking your lips together, you turned back around to the couple. "alright. nice talk. i'll be setting up my shit in my room and then sleeping. night."

you heard a subtle gasp from charlotte, astonished by your vulgar vocabulary. walking down the hall with your belongings, you stopped in front of a door at the end. it was a nice white door, a few scratches and tears in it.

it was the door to your bedroom.

grasping the door knob, you turned it to reveal your unusually neat room. f/c walls accompanied by fuzzy carpet as flooring. posters were hung up just how you remembered from last year. your twin sized bed fit in the middle of the room, your dresser and nightstand on either side of it.

a desk was built in, against the side of the wall with a s/f/c chair shoved underneath it. a table side lamp stood proud on top of the desk, a cup of pencils and pens placed next to it.

definitely charlottes doing.

you sighed, closing your bedroom door. you immediately grabbed your charger from your suitcase and plugged it into an outlet beside your bed.

plugging in your phone, you placed it on your bedside table. you then grabbed some comfy sleepwear from your suitcase.

after changing, you turned off the light and fell onto your bed. a thud followed right after you crashed.

grumbling, you got comfy underneath the covers and closed your eyes.

your phone then buzzed.

you were too jet lagged and exhausted to care about anything. turning onto your other side, you passed out like a baby sheep.

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