xlv. teacher talks

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"y/n! your teachers are here!"

you grumbled, adjusting your graphic tee shirt. staring at yourself in the mirror. after a few more seconds of staring at yourself, you groaned quietly and walked out of your room and down the stairs.

once reaching the bottom, you found your mom, your teacher vlad king, aizawa, and the skinny legend himself: all might. you quirked an eyebrow, confused as to why class a's teacher was here at your house.

"oh y/n! finally! come sit, sit." your mom gestured you over as you gave everyone a skeptical look.

you cautiously sat down on your black couch, sitting in front of the three teachers. your mom sat down next you, placing her hand on your shoulder.

"hello, l/n," vlad king greeted.

"hi teacher. not to be rude, but why are class one a's teachers at my house? i'm in class b, not class a," you asked, slightly leaning forward.

vlad king sent aizawa an unreadable look, aizawa nodding in response to it. "there's important matters to discuss with you, l/n," the homeless teacher stated, crossing his arms.

you gulped anxiously. why were you so nervous?

"okay," vlad started. "first of all, all students attending yuuei are gonna settle into dorms. we are here to discuss why this plan is into motion and if the parents accept this."

you turned to look at your mom. she was staring straight ahead, no emotion readable on her face.
you turned back to the teachers, nodding. your leg started to bounce, nerves settling into you.

"as most, if not all of japan knows, all might has retired. he is stepping down from being a hero because of last night's circumstances," vlad explaining.

you moved your gaze to all might. he was extremely skinny; deathly skinny you could even say. his jawline was so sharp you swore it could cut a slab of steak perfectly.

was he truly the number one hero?

"yuuei has been attacked twice this year, along with shigaraki having another run in with the students at the mall," vlad continued, folding his hands.

"we're aware you weren't at summer camp due to family matters. we are here to explain what happened during summer camp." you bit your lip, contemplating on whether or not you should answer him.

after a few seconds, you said fuck it. "i already know some of what happened at summer camp. the league had attacked the camp and a student ended up kidnapped."

all three of the teachers shared a look with one another. dread filled your veins, gnawing on your lip once again.

why were they being so secretive?

another second passed, vlad king nodded at you. "okay. i see the students mentioned what happened. so i'm sure you understand why the yuuei dorm system has been implemented."

you nodded, taking a quick look at mom. her eyes read no emotion; only understanding of what was being told to her.

all might spoke up. "please, if you have any concerns or questions, ask now."

she leaned back, crossing her arms. your eyes followed her, watching her every move. her eyes blankly gazed at the three teachers ahead.

your leg continued to bounce with anxiety. no matter how much you wanted it to halt, it just wouldn't.

was there some foreign emotion you were experiencing that your body knew of, yet your brain doesn't comprehend?

"i do have a few questions," your mom spoke up finally, her gaze as sharp as ever. the three heroes nodded, listening tentatively.

she licked her chapped lips, debating her next choice of words. "one, will my child be in safe hands? two, did every other student's parents agree to these new requirements blindly or did they ask questions like i am currently doing so? third, you three look too serious for a simple 'new school functioning' talk. what has you all on edge?"

you shifted your gaze to the teachers. she was right, they appeared too serious. something had their panties in a twist, and you were praying it had nothing to do with you.

all might spoke up. "to answer your first question, yes. the staff and heroes at yuuei will ensure your child's safety to the best of our abilities," he paused, adverting his gaze from your mom to the floor. "most parents blindly agreed to allowing their child to stay at the school. barely any parents questioned the motives of why and how we're accomplishing this move."

your mom nodded beside you, continuously staring. the tension bouncing off of everyone made you want to go to church with your father and confess every unholy thought and action you've ever committed.

"and the third question?" your mom asked, tapping her elbow patiently.

if patient was a woman, it'd be your mom.

"it's been a long day. only reason," aizawa stated, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

your mom's lips pressed into a thin line, not believing him. "you're lying, aren't you?"

your eyes widened. the teachers were visibly taken aback by your mom's response.

she simply smirked. "my quirk's lie-detector. i have the ability to check whether or not people are lying. so explain eraserhead, why do you guys look so serious?"

somehow along the way you started to pick at the cuticles on your unkept fingers. your leg continued to constantly bounce, the tension somehow becoming thicker. all might sighed deeply, fiddling with his hands.

somehow his awkwardness made you more anxious.

aizawa stared deeply at m/n. vlad king sat still, completely unmoving. your mom continued to stare at the three teachers, unfazed. only you and all might were affected by all the tension in the room.

you decided to place a hand on your mom's shoulder, hopefully calming her down. "i'm sure they're stressed right now. there's no need to keep them waiting longer than they need."

she continued to stare, but relaxed her shoulders a bit. "not until they say why they're so tense," she urged.

if you couldn't convince her to relax, no one could.

aizawa sighed, drawing all the attention from your mom to him. you noticed the teacher's pensive state, causing you to sit up on the couch.

"there's no sugarcoating this," he started, crossing his arms across his chest. you took in a quick breath, preparing yourself for the worst.

"y/n, you are under arrest for suspicion of being involved with the league of villains."


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