xliii. changes

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after all might's transformation from a standard buff gym dude to the skinniest man to ever walk the earth, japan erupted into chaos.

"japan's number one hero all might: RETIRING?!"
"all might isn't who he seems to be?!"
"all might, HAS RETIRED?!😨😳😖 (NOT CLICKBAIT! 😱)"

it was utter chaos.

that night, everyone was expected to go home and rest. sleep off last nights experiences and start fresh the next day.

like hell japan did.

that night, the country barely rested. there were too many questions left unanswered. everyone wanted answers; an explanation to what was going on in our hero society.

hut no one had any.

all might had transformed into some man no one recognized. all for one had been taken to prison. the league of villains escaped, no one able to find a trace of them anywhere. citizens and heroes cried for the loss of their beloved number one. villains wallowed the loss of their all mighty boss, all for one.

too many losses in one night. did we truly gain anything from that fight?

you laid in your bed, staring up at the dark ceiling. the moon shone through your window; the only source of light you allowed in.

you had arrived home around 1 in the morning. mom had (surprisingly) already passed out long ago in her bed. at least she was able to sleep.

so many thoughts raced your head. how would hero society function now? when will the villains attack next? will a war break out soon? what even defines a hero? are the villains justified?

it hurt your head.

you groaned, tossing your blanket to the side. glancing at your clock, it read "04:47". you stepped out of bed, the carpet massaging your feet from underneath.

standing and stretching, you cracked your joints. you let out a relieved sigh, the cracking making you feel more mobile.

you grabbed your phone from your nightstand and left your room, quietly shutting your door behind you. you took a swift glance at your mom's room, making sure she wasn't standing there like the "mom, i frew up" dude.

once you realized the coast was clear, you crept down the stairs (making sure to skip over the creaky stair). you quietly applauded yourself once you reached the bottom without waking up your mom.

you tiptoed down the hall, careful of each step you took. making it to the kitchen, you flipped on the lights. as soon as you did that, you covered your eyes and groaned.

you crept into the kitchen, covering your sensitive eyes. opening the fridge to grab a bottle of cold water, you untwisted the lid and gulped it down within a few seconds.

you then threw the now-empty water bottle in the recycling bin (because you're not a monster) and grabbed another water from the fridge. this time you took your time drinking the cool water. its components trickled down your dry ass throat, relieving it from it's pain.

once again you threw the empty bottle into the recycling bin. you opened the fridge again, searching for a snack to munch on.

settling for f/sn, you pulled it out of the fridge and munched on it. you sighed in relief at how great food tasted.

suddenly, your phone vibrated from your pocket.

you quirked an eyebrow at it, confused. whose texting you at this hour?

you unlocked your phone whilst taking another bite of f/sn, checking your messages.

reading the name, you started choking on your snack. crumbs flew out of your mouth with every cough. you ran to the fridge, grabbing another water bottle and sipping it to cease the coughing.

after a few sips, your coughing fit died down into subtle throat clearings. you twisted the lid back on the water and placed it down on the counter.

you grabbed your phone once again, still unsure if what you were reading was correct.

flakey pineapple's sent a message!

"god dammit."

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