xxviii. noisy children

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you couldn't sleep.

apparently, a family of five was attending this flight.

two dead asleep parents. three noisy children.

the eldest looked about 11 years of age, probably just starting middle school. the middle child looked as if she was maybe 8? the youngest? 4 years at most.

from their obliviously loud conversations, you could tell they couldn't speak or understand japanese. they were probably visiting japan for the time and are now heading back to florida.

and as far as you knew, everyone on this plan didn't understand english.

boy did these kids not know volume control.

and where were they seated exactly?




this entire plane, and their seats had to be right behind yours. so lovely.

yeah, you were a second away from chucking their asses out the window.

"i wanna sit next to the window kris! its not fair!" the youngest whined at the oldest; who paid no mind to him.

"dylan shut up please. we're trying to sleep!" the female child groaned, covering her ears and turned away.

you internally grumbled. you just wanted sleep.

"iTs nOtTTt faiRrrRrrRrRr aLeXiSssSs~" the kid whined louder, receiving dirty looks from the rest of the plane.

you sighed, silently apologizing for their actions even though you had no relation with them. it was about 05:00 now, barely two hours in. everyone was either gonna kill themselves or kill the parents.

this was your hero moment. to save everyone else on this plane and so that they can get some sort of rest.

good thing you understand and speak a bit of english.

turning around in your seat, you looked back at the siblings. the eldest was wearing earbuds and gazing out of the plane's window, completely unfazed. the middle was in the aisle seat with her back facing her siblings. the youngest was seated right in the middle.

the two parents were seated right behind them, passed completely the fuck out.

"hey guys," you whispered in english, trying not to disturb anyone else.

all three of them snapped their heads at you. they gawked at you, surprised you could speak their language.

"it's really early in the morning- and the rest of us are trying to sleep. can you please try to keep your voices down?" you asked, silently pleading that they would shut up.

"you sound funny." the youngest blurted.

a hand immediately slapped onto his mouth, shutting him up. "i am so sorry for him-" the eldest glared at the youngest. "he doesn't know how to be quiet."

you chuckled awkwardly, scratching the nape of your neck. "it's all good. i need to practice my english anyways."

"why are you all alone?" the girl asked bluntly.

you were taken aback by her bluntness. she reminded you of tsu in a way.

"i'm doing an alone travel," you replied, trying not to spill your personal life to them.

"oh okay." and she turned her head away from you.

the youngest licked the hand, giggling as the eldest recoiled and wiped the saliva off. "whats you nameeeeeeee?" youngest asked.

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