epilogue... what's a hero?

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"what is a hero?

is it someone who saves people without wanting anything in return?

is it someone who defeats villains because that's what most heroes do?

are heroes always good?

then that proposes the question, are all villains evil?

do villains want to hurt people?

or were villains made by heroes?

are the terms "heroes" and "villains" like the colors black and white; extremely obvious to figure out who is who?

or are the lines blurred? is there a middle ground for the terms "hero" and "villain"?

can villains do good things? can heroes do evil things?

are there certain acts that deem a hero, a hero?

are there certain acts that deem a villain, a villain?

where is that line drawn?

is there even a line drawn?

let me propose an example:

endeavor does good deeds to society and helps them when there is a time of need. however, he has committed unethical acts of abuse towards his family.

does that still make him a hero, or a villain?

here's another example:

twice has good character and does whatever he can to help his friends when they are in need. he, however, had committed an accident when he was younger to deem him as a villain.

does that still make him a villain, or a hero?

these two characters are deemed to be heroes and villains. but looking closer, how can you judge the difference?

is it based on society, or personal belief?

how do you define a hero?

how do you define a villain?

where is the line drawn between the two?

are these just systematic terms used to create a structured society?

what do you believe, y/n?"

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