xxxii. broship

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a knock was heard from your bedroom door.

after that whole fiasco, you'd expect them to shut up and leave you alone. but noOooOoO. someone just had to bother you in your time of peace.

"come in," you shouted. you turned your body around to find the familiar red head at your doir frame.

"wassup," he greeted.

he was wearing a button up shirt with long black jeans accompanied by some dress shoes. his carrot-top hair tossed messily across his head, the sides getting closer to the skin as it reaches his ear- as if his hair was cut recently. freckles littered his features, giving him a nerdy vibe to him.

you cocked an eyebrow. "what do you need?"

he chuckled, leaning against your door frame. "you know, just stopping by and seeing how you're doing."

now you were suspicious.

"you want something don't you?" you accused, glaring at him.

he put his hands up in defense. "so quick to accuse! i haven't even done anything to hurt you and you're already pointing fingers."

you sighed and rolled your eyes. "well duh. i just arrived in america literally last night. plus its a reflex."

"daddy issues?"

"daddy issues."

he grinned, his pointy teeth popping from his face. "i got daddy issues too no worries."

"everyone i know has daddy issues," you chuckled, sitting up in your bed.

"so its not just an american thing?" he asked, a smirk forming on his lips.

you rolled your eyes. "i mean dads from america tend to leave all the time. just look at mine. he left me in japan and now here i am."

he snorted, covering his mouth to refrain from making any other noise. you laughed with him, gesturing him to come inside.

"l/n y/n. call me y/n. from musutafu japan. pardon the accent."

"jay wroth. from florida. ignore the teeth."

you grinned, shaking his hand once again. "so we're gonna be step-siblings if my dad and your mom end up married?"

he nodded. "yup. the wedding is suppose to take place some time soon. either this summer or in the fall."

your lips formed an 'o' shape. "ohh okay. so soon soon?"

"yup." he nodded once again.

an awkward silence filled the atmosphere.

i mean yeah, you both hit it off well. but you both don't know shit about one another.

except for the daddy issues of course.

"soooooooooo," he started, clearing his throat. "you got a quirk?"

your eyes lit up at the mention of quirks. "yeah, its called hydrokinesis. i can manipulate water when its present in any manner i can. i think i can do it on other liquids too, but i'm not so sure. do you have a quirk?"

he nodded, a tiny smile appearing on his face. "its called 'shark.'"

you audibly laughed. he gave you a look. "laugh all you want, it's actually a good quirk." he boasted, crossing his arms.

you cocked an eyebrow at him. "okay sure. what do you do- bite little fish?" you teased.

he rolled his eyes, sending a playful glare at you. "ya, totally."

chuckling, he continued to talk. "i basically have all the attributes of a shark. i can swim fast, loose teeth and they grow back with ease, tear into meat easier than others, smell blood within a quarter mile of me, and even transform into a shark when in water if i so choose to."

you nodded your head, taking in the information. "do you grow fins randomly?"

he sighed. "that is one of the drawbacks. i'll grow a fin on one on my arms or even my back, but it'll disappear within the day."

"what are your other drawbacks?"

"what is this, twenty questions?"

you rolled your eyes, laying down on your bed. "don't you have church to attend?" you asked, glancing at the male.

he sighed again. "yeah. i don't enjoy going, but i have to anyways."

"just skip it like i'm doing." you suggested, closing your eyes.

"believe me, i've tried. mom's too insistent on everyone attending as like a 'family bonding experience'." he raised his hands, doing the air quotes as he spoke.

you suddenly sat up, staring at the red head in front of you. squinting your eyes, you took a good look at his features. his eyes were colored like the sky, except much lighter. freckles scattered his face as his carrot-colored hair was topped nicely on his head.

"are you gay?"

his eyes widened, taken aback by your bluntness. you laughed as his face turned red in embarrassment.

"such a bold assumption..." he muttered and averted his gaze from yours.

you smirked, laying back down. "you never denied it."

he coughed and you felt the bed loose weight. opening an eye, you see him standing up with his back towards you.

"where you going?" you cooed, taunting him almost.

you could feel his eye roll from there.

"i'm going to be a good 'liL cHurCh bOy," his voice went higher with each syllable, "and leave you here to be a sinner."

you rolled your eyes, a grin forming on your lips. "alright shark boy. have fun with your cult."

he laughed, waving his hand as to signal goodbye and closed your door shut. you sighed, closing your eyes.

'he's definitely not straight.'

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