xlviii. decision

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"questionable?! are they or are they not the traitor?!" endeavor shouted, clearly upset about the outcome.

"all i'm getting is questionable!" she shouted back, annoyed at his reaction. "i've been using my quirk for this for the past hour non-stop. i'm exhausted!"

"why isn't it giving us a solid answer?" the detective asked, pensive.

"maybe because they're apart of the problem, but not the entire situation?" she explained, huffing. "you guys do not know how to use your heads."

your heartbeat quickened they argued in the background. your hands shook uncontrollably, feeling as if you were having a spasm or a seizure. tears threatened to spill out of your eyes, you constantly blinked them back.

questionable? you were apart of the problem?


no way. you always did the right thing! that's what heroes do, the right thing. you're a hero in training, you're a good person.

it just couldn't be right.

or maybe it is. it's a fucking lie detector! of course it's right!

you were in denial. this whole thinking of "i'm the good guy i always do the right thing" got to your mind.

you weren't a good person.

you fucked up.

at this point, your breathing started to become erratic, unable to breathe normally. you couldn't get a solid breath in.

it hurt to breath.

before you knew it, you blacked out once again.


you woke up, your head absolutely pounding. it was quiet, contrasted to the yelling earlier.

wherever you were, it was dark. there wasn't any light you could see. it could've been because of how you just woke up, but you weren't so sure.

you went to stretch your arms, only to find yourself handcuffed. your breath hitched, panicking at your predicament.

did they establish that you're the traitor? were they going to kick you from the school? lock you up for life with deadly prisoners?

a mere child being locked up for something they didn't do?

suddenly the lights turned on. you squinted, groaning at the brightness. you would have tried to block the light with your hands, but they were a little preoccupied as of then.

after your eyes got used to the light, you noticed the very blank walls surrounding you. a glass wall separated you and a few chairs placed on the other side. you were sat in your own wooden chair, your cuffed hands in front of you.

it felt like you were an insane asylum patient.

the door on the other side opened, revealing the four adults you were dreading to see: vlad king, all might, principal nezu, and some random dog man. you never met the dog man, but you were sure he meant business.

"hello l/n," he introduced, sitting down on the other side of the mirror. "i'm the chief of police, tsuragamae kenji. i'm sure you're confused, so i'll brief you in on what the situation is."

you nodded nervously, keeping quiet. your gaze adverted to your teacher and principal, their faces hard. all might looked guilty, keeping to himself in the back.

"just recently, you were interviewed by several heroes and a detective in the hospital. an argument had broken out due to the lack of information we were being given through a lie-detecting quirk. with all the information we have been given, we needed to come up with what to do with you," he explained, given a slight bark at the end.

"so why am i handcuffed?" you asked, annoyance seeing through your voice. "i don't mean to sound rude, but the detector came up as questionable. i'm not guilty."

"you're not particularly innocent either, l/n," tsuragamae barked, glaring at you. "you had a big part in this situation, deeming you as not entirely innocent."

your face scrunched in confusion. "so the lines between good and bad have been blurred for me?"

his face contorted from a annoyance to nervousness. you guess he wasn't expecting to be asked this question.

"not necessarily. i'm sure you're a good person at heart, but you have indeed done something bad," he stated.

you scoffed. "so then what am i? a malicious hero? or a good-hearted villain? if you can't deem me as good or evil, then what's the point of heroes and villains?"

"l/n, you need to stop," vlad king answered sharply.

"but am i wrong? i'm a student working towards becoming a hero. if i've done something wrong, an accident, does that make me a villain?" you genuinely asked, huffing.

tsuragamae stared at you for a moment before sighing. "i know you're upset as of right now, but you need to calm down for a second. i want to calmly talk to you about what's going to happen to you."

what's going to happen to you?

"anyone would be upset if they woke up without access to their hands," you muttered, glaring at the ground, "but sure."

the black and white chief stopped himself for a moment. you looked up and quirked an eyebrow, confused as his sudden hesitation.

he cleared his throat, speaking up. "we have all discussed for a while about what to do with the information we have been given."

you quirked an eyebrow, edging him to continue. it was your fate they were talking about. of course you wanted to know now.

"we juggled the option of arresting you." your breath immediately hitched, causing panic to arise in you.

arrest? a child? with no solid evidence?

"we, however, decided against that. it was unethical," he cleared, smiling slightly.

"a handcuffing me was?" you grumbled, shooting a glare towards the mutt.

he sighed, and you could feel the annoyance seeping off of him. "we decided on an easier option for you."

"which is?" you asked, ready to bounce off of your chair. he was practically teasing you with the decision.

"we decided that," tsuragamae glanced at principal nezu and all might.

"you should be removed from the hero course and ua all together."

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