xxxix. tuxedos

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!TW! blood

everything was bright, then dark.

"what happened?" momo asked, clutching her head.

"i think the building collapsed," iida explained.

you groaned, sitting up and rubbing your ass. "that building hurt my ass," you complained.

todoroki rolled his eyes, lending you a hand. you chuckled, taking the hand. "thanks. i think my ass is flatter now."

momo chuckled, shaking her head. "is anyone hurt?"

an assortment of "no's" was heard by everyone. she sighed in relief, placing a hand on her chest. "thank god."

"what exactly happened though?" kirishima asked, standing up.

"i think that was mount lady destroying the building," izuku quipped.

"that must mean the pros have had everything under control this entire time! if we leave right now then we should get back home safe and sound!" iida exclaimed.

you sighed, stretching your arms. "thank god. i'm fucking starving."

todoroki rolled his eyes. "you're always hungry."

"shut it zuko-knockoff."

"so cold."

momo laughed at the bickering between you both, causing you to grin at her. you and her made eye-contact, causing her to blush and look away.

it's fun embarrassing people.

"guys over here!" kirishima said, pointing up and over the ledge. iida and izuku hoisted kirishima and momo up on their shoulders, allowing them to look over and see what's going on.

"gang orca and mount lady? and even best jeanist is here," kirishima announced to everyone.

"and mr. tiger too!" momo added.

you tried your best to peer over the massive ledge, but no avail. "thank god the heroes knew what they were doing," you mumbled.

todoroki nodded beside you. kirishima and momo hopped off of iida's and izuku's shoulders. you helped momo get down, a small "thank you" escaping her lips.

you made your way to the back, behind izuku. he gave you a nod and you sent one back his way.

"everything's fine. the heroes were on top of this way before we were," iida piped up, his hand sticking up straighter than jay.

"yeah that's great!" kirishima added, a grin approaching his features.

"now lets get home. at least we don't have to explain ourselves." iida turned around a started walking away.

everyone slowly followed his actions, except izuku. he turned his head and mumbled to himself about kacchan and all-might.

"if all might is on the scene, then theres no reason for us to worry!" momo included. "let's go."

"right," todoroki mumbled.

everyone started trailing behind momo, trying to escape any conflict that might start up. you rested your arms behind your head, sighing at the failed stealth mission.

izuku stopped in front of you, causing you to almost collide into the broccoli-ette. todoroki turned his head to look at both of you, a stoic expression on his features.

you cocked an eyebrow at the two of them and then turned your head to try and see what they were seeing. the alleyway behind you was pitch black and as far as your vision went, there wasn't anything there.

cat-like behavior. always staring at stuff that isn't there.

you turned to face the two boys. their expressions were no longer stoic, but more horrified. you cocked an eyebrow and tried to search what they were so scared about, your eyes landing everywhere but what they saw.

an explosion appeared from no where.

your eyes widened at the suddenness of it. you thought everything was under control? or was this "safe mission" not so safe?

the six of you ducked behind the wall, terrified. what was going on? do the pros really have it under control? where'd the "nomu" go?

you took a peek at the scene behind you, unable to control your nosiness. there was a huge ass man thing with a suit and a face mask peering intimidatingly at the number four pro hero, best jeanist.

the denim hero looked absolutely mortified. just who was this strange man?

why were you always left in the dark?

best jeanist sent his strings after tuxedo man, hoping to do something to the oh-so-intimidating man. the pro heroes projectiles were sent right back at himself, causing a hole to appearing in the middle of his stomach.

blood gushed out of the denim hero like a tsunami.

he laid back on the ground in agony, fainting.

oh. that's why tuxedo man was scary.

the number four hero was seamlessly killed, and the tuxedo man didn't even have to lift a finger.

you watched the entire thing in pure shock and terror. definitely gonna have trauma from that.

"i don't need your quirk," tuxedo man said, still continuing to peer down at the fallen hero.

need his quirk? what is he, ash? tryna collect all the quirks like ash was tryna collect all the pokémon?

you turned your head to face the others, their faces all morphed into horror and disgust. they were frozen. they couldn't move a single limb in their body.

aren't they used to this? why are they so scared now?

just what happened back at camp? and why weren't you scared?

coughing emerged from behind, along with a few coherent curses. you peered over the wall once again, finding a familiar blond.

how the fuck did he get there?

"the hell?!" he grumbled, wiping his lips. everyone's heads perked at the sound of his voice, relief and anxiety flowing through them.

"my apologies bakugou," tuxedo man stated.

weird black goo suddenly appeared out of the sky, dropping off people like flies.

the people gagged at the goo, complaining about how badly it tasted and smelt. your gazed at them, confused as why the dream-wannabe summoned random people with goo.

oh, wait. they're villains.


those villains were the ones from your group chat. it doesn't even feel real- as if they were playing a double life.

they seemed so genuine. it confused you on why they were that way. were they being fake? was that who they truly were outside of villainy? do all villains have their own lives outside of what they do? why were villains even villains in the first place? what drove them to be this way?

so many questions, yet not a single answer.

you hated being left in the dark. it sucked ass.

while trying to figure out your own problems, you saw izuku starting to move. you immediately sat down and grabbed his arm, iida doing the exact same notion to todoroki and izuku as well.

izuku stared at iida, almost in disgust. todoroki looked straight up offended.

iida glared at the two boys, as if he was in agony. momo gripped onto kirishima's shoulder, about to vomit or pass out. maybe a bit of both.

you let go of izuku, wiping your hands on your pants because of the amount of sweat you collected off of the boy. you stared at everyone, all of them in deep thought.

everyone was thinking the same thing: how would we get away?

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