xxxviii. rescue mission?

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you were actually able to sleep on this flight.

there weren't any crying children or adults making out on the flight, just a blissfully quiet flight back home.

you arrived in japan and at the airport around 8PM, feeling completely jet-lagged and starved. your mom was already there waiting for you. of course, you gave her a massive hug when seeing her for the first time in what felt like ages.

you weren't even in america for a week. maybe four days at most.

it felt like forever.

after picking you up, you both went out to get a bite to eat in kamino, yokohama. you've been to the city once before, but it was when you were younger.

when arriving there, you both walked around the city to explore. walking around in cities always gave that "city kid" type of feel to it. with so many people walking on the streets, it gives a sense of un-realness to it.

"y/n come here! lets look around in this costume shop!" your mom exclaimed, dragging your arm to the shop.

"mom, this stuff costs more than our rent." she rolled your eyes at you, ignoring your side comment. "shut up and have some fun once in a while."

you gasped at her as she snickered. "you're lucky you're not father or else i'd bitch-slap you."

she laughed, pulling you along with her. you accidentally bumped into someone one the way in, apologizing immediately.

"i'm so sorry!" you slipped out of your moms grasp without her knowing and bowed at the man.

"it's alright! i bumped into you first!" he apologized. he had an italian mustache with his navy blue hair slicked back. his hands were making a chopping motion, reminding you of a certain engine-head.

you waved him off, bowing once more. "please, accept my apology."

he sighed, his arm chopping his invisible vegetables again. "alright. have a good night."

you nodded, standing there as he walked away.

turning around, you overheard something that proved your suspicion.

"what took you so long iida?"

you immediately turned back around, searching for iida in the large crowd. you had spotted him, surrounded by four others.

running up to him, you tapped his shoulder. he turned around, eyes-wide.

"iida? what are you doing here?" you asked.

"l/n?!?! what are YOU doing here??" izuku asked, shocked.

"izuku? kirishima?? todoroki??? MOMO??" you screeched, a hand immediately being placed onto your mouth.

"y/n, shut up," kirishima said, removing his hand from your face. "we're out on a mission."

you cocked an eyebrow at him. "what mission??"

he sighed, rubbing the nape of his neck. "we're here to save bakugou."

your eyes went wide at them. "what? why? is it because of the summer camp shit? he was kidnapped wasn't he?"

everyone went quiet after you said that. you sighed, rubbing your temples. "look- i have a lot to explain myself and so do the rest of you. right now our priority is to save bakugou. he was kidnapped by the league wasn't he?"

izuku nodded. "he was. we have a tracker placed on one of the villains so we have their location. yaoyorozu has the location on a separate tracker device."

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