l. wrong decision

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a couple of months later...


a malicious laugh came out of you as you threw popcorn at the screen. the television continued to play the news, broadcasting live from a helicopter.

"fucking losers," you commented, taking a handful of  popcorn and shoved it in your mouth. "you guys just refused to believe me, huh? now look at you."

you grinned, standing and stretching your body. karma was the absolute best.

"y/n! someone's at the door for you!" your mom shouted from downstairs.

you groaned. "i'll be there in a second!"

trotting out of your room, you waltzed down the stairs. a guest? for you? you haven't heard of someone wanting to see you since your father over summer!

your mom swiftly passed you on the stairs. she sent you a look, and you immediately knew what it meant.

reaching the bottom of the stairs, you stared at your closed front door. did you really want to open it? you knew who it was, but was it worth it?

the pain of what they put you through.

begrudgingly, you opened the door. there revealed the retired number one pro hero and your old principal.

"hello, young l/n."

"for fucks sake," you mumbled, closing the door behind you as you walked outside onto your front porch with them. "what is it?"

all might gave nezu a glance, silently telling him to talk; maybe even apologize. nezu cleared his throat, his smile no longer plastered on his lips.

"i came here to apologize," he started, causing you to cross your arms. "we were wrong. you weren't the traitor."

you nodded, leaning against the wall. "told you so."

he stared at you, extremely apologetic and guilty. you stared coldly back. you knew your truth.

"we came here to ask you for a favor," all might started.

your gaze shifted from your ex-principal to the blond, retired hero. "what is this favor?"

all might gulped nervously. "we would like you to rejoin ua and help us defeat the league of villains once and for all."

you laughed as if it was the funniest joke you have ever been told. you? rejoin ua?

what a fucking joke.

"i know what you're thinking, but this is your chance to redeem yourself. you want to be a hero, don't you?" all might convinced.

"yeah i do want to be a hero, but not like this. i can become a hero without the help of ua. so what if it's the number one hero school in all of japan? that doesn't matter. i do it without your help," you sneered, glaring.

"we understand how you're feeling, but this is a time of crisis-!"

"woah hold on," you interrupted all might, leaning off the wall. "don't you even dare say you 'understand how i'm feeling' because you don't! you weren't exiled from a hero school. now you guys want my help?"

they stayed still, guilt running through their veins. they were too stunned to speak.

you scoffed, placing your hands on your hips. "that's what i thought. i don't need you guys to become a hero. i can do it on my own."

you spun around, back facing towards them. you grabbed the door handle, ready to open it.

"you'll become one of the biggest heroes if you help us. you will practically become a star! a hero saving other heroes!" all might encouraged, reaching out to you.

you turned back around to face the duo. you quirked an eyebrow at them. "you think i want fame? i want to be a proper hero; not some phony. i want to actually help people. fame is cool and all, but what about the true morals of being a hero?

"a real hero works in the shadows without caring whose at the top. they help the community, not just by fighting big bad villains. i refuse to become a villain just because that's what society seems to deem someone who makes a mistake. it's utter bullshit. i couldn't care less about fame. i want to make an actual difference."

you yawned, stretching out your limbs. the duo didn't speak up, cueing you to leave. they weren't worth your time.

"wait, young l/n!" all might exclaimed once again.

you groaned and flipped back around once again. "what, all might? what could you possibly want?"

he stopped himself for a second before continuing. "you would be helping others. you would make an actual difference. this is the league of villains we're talking about. the same villains who put you in this mess. are you just going to let them continue to hurt innocent people?"

you stopped yourself for a moment. is it wrong to leave them to deal with the villains alone?

were you being a villain yourself?

is this what it truly means to be a hero? to help those same heroes even thought they hurt you?

they treated you like a villain. why should you let them continue to have that image of you?

you groaned, slapping your face. either you leave them to deal with the league themselves and have everyone potentially killed, or be a true hero and help save them all.

both options sucked absolute ass.

you sighed. "i don't want them to continue hurting innocents. however, i don't want to be involved when i'm only needed for the benefit of stuck-up heroes."

all might's eyes seemed to light up. "so... you're saying you'll help?"

you grumbled. "i'm doing this for the sake of revenge. and to give certain people a big 'fuck you.'"

the retired pro hero smiled widely, one you haven't seen since his retirement. you tried to act mad, but deep inside you knew this was the right thing.

no matter how toxic the hero complex mindset was, it was the only way to get your revenge.

they needed to pay.

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