xix. summer camp

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the favorite
finally finals have fucking ended

Y/n!! Language!! ✋👋✋👋✋👋✋👋

electric pokemon kinnie
im done
im free
fuck yea

I give up.

Don't forget everyone that we still have summer camp!

kirby 2.0
dont remind me please (;o;)

Isn't Class 1-B tagging along as well since they're also a hero course?

the favorite
yes they are

john cena
we can all hang out there and talk so much!

the favorite
i believe my class is arriving a day later tho

john cena
dammit :(

kirby 2.0
But all of us will still have time to hang out (*'꒳'*)

the favorite

jade west kinnie
i need to pick up some clothes
maybe some toiletries too

john cena
the entirety of class 1-a can go shopping together!!

short fuse
Fuck no
I'm not going

daddy issues
I can also not attend
I visit my mom on weekends

john cena
is everyone else up to it?

hidden angwr
Of course!!

kirby 2.0
Yeye (*^o^*)

emo duck
i have to buy simple items

electric pokemon kinnie
hell yeah

lmao i think the entire class aside from bakugou and todoroki are going hagakure

john cena
this will be amazing!

What about you Y/n?

the favorite

Will you be attending the mall with us?

the favorite

john cena

kirby 2.0
This is going to be so much fun! (๑>◡<๑)

electric pokemon kinnie
h e l l y e s

the favorite is offline!

"im so tired god kill me," you mumbled, ruffling your hair.

tossing your phone next to you, you sighed and sprawled out across your bed. "fuck life. fuck me. fuck this."

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