shed a tear

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Mileena awoke in an already sour mood due to separation from y/n and the feeling of being watched still hadn't left her for the entirety of her stay

Mileena: is.....

She stopped herself when she heard how vulnerable and weak her voice sounded, she cleared her throat and put the hissing steel back into her voice

Mileena: is someone there? I can feel you watching me

To her annoyance nobody answered and Mileena growled beyond annoyed at herself for letting her weakness get the better of her

She resumed her escape attempts only to find that the cold had sapped her energy away unnaturally quickly,  blasted sorcery probably

Mileena: damn you! Damn you all to netherealm! Release me!

She yelled furious, as if the torment of being what she was wasn't bad enough it seemed that the universe was constantly shoving her down any time she found even a sliver of happiness not derived through the pain of others

Mileena:........... why?

It was only then did she feel the twin streams of water trailing down her cheeks

She was crying,  but instead of forcing it away as she usually did Mileena didn't have the strength to stop, she began to bawl uncontrollably

She couldn't help it couldn't stop it and at the moment didn't even care

She just wanted to be happy,  to be loved by someone, by anyone, she didn't need power or glory,  she needed love and nothing more

Mileena continued to cry almost not noticing the doors open as a different lin kuei from last time entered,  this one was a dark haired woman bearing a new blanket and tray of food

Mileena hated to be seen like this but couldn't stop the tears,  she turned her back to the woman and continued her crying

Lin kuei: um...... I brought food and blankets.....

There was the sound of nervous shuffling then the girl cleared her throat
Lin kuei: ahem........are.... are you ok miss? Can I help you?

Their was another silence from the gril before she took a deep breath and a few steps

Mileena heard a metallic click then to her great surprise felt a blanket being placed over her shoulders

Her head snapped back to look at the girl in surprise,  with that motion her mask came loose revealing her terrifying Mandibles

The lin kuei didn't recoil to much past surprise before she reached down and put a hand on Mileenas shoulder

Lin kuei: im sorry your in here, im sure grandmaster will release you soon, Don't give up hope

Mileena was confused in many ways, no one besides y/n can comforted her like that, especially no one who had seen her face

Mileena in that moment didn't even think about escaping through the cell door behind the woman, she simply curled herself together and cried while the ice warrior rubbed her back soothingly

When Mileena ran out of tears she found herself leaning against the lin kuei and straightened so she could stand

Lin kuei: I will return to check on you later, eat and stay warm

Then she exited the cell, Mileena watched as she brought a steaming cup of some kind of tea and put it through the bars of the cell next to her

To Mileenas grate surprise the cup seemed to float out of her hand and tipped back as an invisible prisoner drank it down

Lin kuei : their you go, and I brought you your sweets you requested,  sorry it took so long, I got reported for being "too kind to prisoners"

Mileenas mind ran through everything she had said while she had thought she was alone, hopefully y/n was being treated well at least


Y/n was absolutely miserable as they sat alone on the bed provided by the ice people

They hadn't slept since the last time they had been with Mileena, everything seemed far more safe and comfortable whenever she was around, everything seemed right with the world when she was there

Everything was a lot scarier without her warm presence

Suddenly the door to the room was opened to reveal the same ice person who had questioned y/n before

Kuai Liang: good morning,  how were your accommodations?

Y/n didn't really know what to say so they looked down and away

Kuai Liang: hmmm, is there anything you might require?

Y/n sighed,  knowing what they were about to try was a long shot

Y/n: can I please see Mileena?

Kuai Liang signed,  and looked down as well

Kuai Liang: I believe that would be too dangerous........ we'll talk more at another time, I have matters to attend to,  until then frost will keep you company

He stepped to the side allowing a woman with bright blue hair to enter, she wore a mask just like Mileena beut her eyes were cold as a tundra wasteland

Frost: hello
She said through clenched teeth

(Ok yall, this was ki da a sad chapter so to cheer us all up i have an idea

Are there any memers reading? If there are I challenge you to make a memes based this story (or anything here really)

If anyone makes a meme and sends it to me I will be happy to feature it in this or any of my books

Let's go!)

Fatality (Mortal Kombat x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now