The legacy of life

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Y/n pov 

Y/n was running as fast as they could but the demonic beasts were still faster. One grabbed y/n flying them into the air, the sound of guns rattled off and the monster fell as did y/n.

???: let's kill theses flying sons of bit.....

This man was cut off as he was grabbed and ripped in to right in front of y/n. Y/n was only six and was traumatized beyond belief. This however only helped y/n run away from that spot. They ran and ran hearing the constant roars of the monsters behind the small child into the nearby forest.

Y/n ran until they found a clearing in the forest, in the middle of the clearing stood a giant stone arch. The arch was filled with a purple vortex of electricity. It was both fascinating and terrifying.

Y/n felt pain in their back as a demon racked its claws across their back sending them into the vortex with the strike. Y/n felt a buzz run through their body this feeling dispersed as they seemed to fall again and hit the ground.they looked around painfully at the unfamiliar scenery.

They were still in a forest but it was different in many ways. Y/n felt a cold fear through their body as shrieking demons came through the vortex. Y/n stared at the closest one as it raised a claw to deliver one final killer blow. Before it could strike something flew threw the air going through the demons head and pinning it to a tree. The blade was small with three points and a  Magenta grip.

Mileena pov

Mileena has grown tired of the constant bustle and noise of out worlds markets and village, she needed time to clear her head before organizing her revolt against Kotal Khan.

Mileena: damn you father for leaving all of your responsibilities to me 

Mileena wondered through one of the near by forests enjoying the peace and quiet of this little sanctuary.

She was jolted out of her thoughts when a loud screech cut through the silence. She saw three demons standing over a single young child. Most might call her a monster but she wasn't heartless.

She threw her sai inpailing the first to a tree. She ran up to the second uppercutting it with her other blade in hand cutting it open, jumping and spinning around she kicked the third in the jaw breaking it then stabbing it in the face four times.

She turned to look at the child, they had three deep claw marks across their back and one across their face. They were losing blood fast and had passed out. She placed her arms beneath the child's small body and lifted them gently. They will need medical aid she thought as she carried them back to her hide out. She was currently alone. She placed y/n on a bed and gathered her stash of medical supplies and made up a bandage along with some healing salves. 

Mileena asked herself many times during this period shat she was doing, why did she care about some kid?

The reason was simple, she wanted someone to keep her company, despite her many years of dealing with solitude she was lonely. She knew that this child would want nothing to do with her, no one did, especially when she took off her mask. But maybe, just maybe it could be different.

(Hello everyone thank y'all for reading, I hope y'all enjoyed, please leave all your feedback and suggestions for the story, thanks y'all bye bye 👋)

Fatality (Mortal Kombat x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now