aint that a kick in the head

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The clone watched the cell next to her, studying every slight movement,  every flicker of anything that could be something,  she had a growing theory on what might share this confinement with her

Mileena: I know your there for sure now, would you can tell me who you are now?

She received no reply but felt eyes burning into her from the invisible prisoner

Mileena: if my guess is correct I'd say your a Saurian, aren't you? The invisibility is kinda a give away,  and sometimes you hiss when you bresth

To Mileenas great surprise she heard an incredibly sibilant round of laughter echo from the cell next to hers

???: ssssssso, the great kahnssss daughter hassss been brought asssss low asss the ressssst of usssssss? How dossssse it feel?

Mileena felt a sarcastic remark beginning to escape her maw but she pushed that feeling down in favor of another mote diplomatic answer

Mileena: I was never in a much higher place to fall from, almost everyone still hates me and I have nothing and almost no one except a select few

The other cell became quite for a long second

???: I guesssssssss thatsssssss true enough, but a princess as compared to anyone else isssss ssssstill something

Mileena let a small bit of a smile grow across her jaws before a small laugh escape her

Mileena: so, whats your name?

???: there are many but most of them are already taken by others,  yours included

Mileenas eyes narrowed a bit
Mileena: excuse me?

For a brief second something flashed across her vision, all she was able to catch was a stripe of pink that looked like her old ninja outfit

???: I always did like your more......classic attire

Mileena didn't know how to feel about that last statement but decided to let it slide past without comment

Khameleon:  so yesssss I have many namessss, but the one I like most isssss khameleon

Mileena had a brief flicker of recognition but it was quickly buried by the metric ton of people she knew

Mileena: that dose sound vaguely familiar

Khameleon: that a ssssurprisssse,  I try to keep out of the lime light as much assss I can, its not good for my completion

The Saurian seemed to raise her opacity just enough that Mileena could make out the general form of her fellow prisoner

Khameleon: ssssso, whatssssss your plan for esssscapeing? Sssssurely you of all people have one

Mileena sighed and shook her head defeatedly

Mileena: I have nothing......

But even as she was saying this an idea popped unto her head

Mileena: or maybe I do, the guard,  the very kind girl must have a key

Khameleon: yessss, but even so what's your plan on getting those away from her?

Mileena: simple, i'll distract her while you grabe the key, we just need to get her close to the bars

Khameleon scoffed a little
Khameleon: and how will we do that? No offense but your mouth doesn't exactly invite anyone to get closer

That hurt a little but she was determined not to let it show
Mileena: I don't know,  but ill think of something, were only gonna get one shot at this

Khameleon: fine, but I do have a request,  don't kill the girl if you Don't have to,  she's kind to all

Mileena hadn't been planning on killing her due to the comfort she had offered when they first met


Y/n and frost didn't work well for several reasons

First was the fact that frost was terrifying to the child, from her cold angry voice to he rage filled eyes

And second was that frost obviously hated to be stuck babysitting y/n

Frost: tea?

Y/n jumped a little as they had sat in silence for a good long while

Y/n: h-huh?.

Frost: do you want tea?

Y/n looked at the brown steaming liquid and nodded

Frost poured them a small bowl and sighed as she sipped her own

Frost: I have to ask, what kind of speel did Mileena have you under?

Y/n was let out a sigh and rolled their eyes, seriously? This again? Why could absolutely nobody understand that Mileena was for all intents and purposes the child's Mother

Y/n: why dose everyone ask that? There are no spells,  or threats or anything like that, I love Mileena because she's like a momma to me, especially since my real mamma wasn't

Frost glared them down with her frozen up eyes, seeming to stare straight into the child's soul

Frost: if you really knew her you'd understand why I don't believe you


After what seemed like hours of waiting the lin kuei girl finally arrived with a smile across her face

Lin kuei: hello you two, I hope your getting along?

Mileena nodded a little as she hung her arms out through the bars of her cell

Mileena: so, whats you name?

Éan: my name is Éan Sneachta, but most people call me Éan while my friends call me Snea

Mileena: a beautiful name for a beautiful woman

Mileena couldn't see her but she could tell that Khameleon was giving her a sidelong look

Éan's cheeks grew a bright red as she looked down

Éan: o-oh, thank y-you miss Mileena

Mileena: come closer, please

To both the prisoners surprise
Éan took a step forward bringing her within arms reach of Mileena,  so close but not close enough for Khameleon to rummage around in the warriors pockets

Mileena had a crazy idea just then, slowly she brought her hands up placing one on each of Éans shoulders

Éan: i-i shouldn.....

She was cut off as Mileena moved her hands up to the woman's face and pulled her into a gentle kiss (or as much of a kiss that Mileena could do with that mouth

They stayed interlocked like this for a good thirty seconds before she felt the invisible tap on her shoulder from Khameleon wh had the key

She broke the kiss

Mileena: im so sorry Éan

Éan: don't be, I wan....

Before she could finish Mileena took a firm grab on her tunic and yanked her forward brutally colliding with the heavy metal bars of the cell knocking her fully unconscious

Khameleon: oh darn, and I was so wondering what she was going
to say, that kiss didn't look half bad

Mileena pulled her mask up covering up her cheeks for an unknown reason before she pointed at the locks

Mileena: escape first,  talk later

She got the key and kicked the cell door wide open

Mileena: hang on y/n, we'll be together again soon

(Ok guys this was a lot of fun, sometimes I really wish yall could see this shit while its being made, especially the place holder names i end up giving them at like 3 in the morning

If you want to know the placeholder title for this chapter comment the Phrase "you rat bastard " and ill tell you

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