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Kitana pov

Kitana had brought the child to her room and was looking through the big closet in her room for anything other than what the poor excuse for anything mileena had given them, the child looked like a small sub zero

Kitana: I'll find you something so you don't have to stay in that awful attire

???: b-b-b-but I like it....miss mileena gave it to me

Kitana growls, the child must have been bewitched somehow to actually believe mileena was good

Kitana: well I say you would look better in something else, and forget mileena, she's a monster

???: no she isn't

The child pouted a little

Kitana lifted the skull mask off her face placing it on the bed

Kitana: she's a worthless pile of flesh who thinks herself worthy to be my sister

???: sister?

Kitana sighs

Kitana: fine, you can where the lin kui garb, what is your name child?

Y/n: y/n, miss kitana

She nods then says

Kitana: stay here, I'll bring you food later

She left the room locking it behind her, she walked down and down until she reached the dungeon of her castle

Mileena was just seeming to wake up

Kitana: so, what have you done to make the child care for you?

Mileena: well dear sister, I took care of them, fed them, gave them a home and was willing to do anything for them, its called being compassionate

She put added venom on the word sister

Kitana: why would you do that for a child? For anyone?

Mileena: I was lonely, they needed someone to look out for them, and I couldn't let a child be ripped apart by demons......I may be a monster but I'm not gonna let my child be hurt

Kitana stood shocked for a little bit before sitting across from mileena

Cassie pov

Cassie was cleaning her bunk when she found an outworld trinket she had bought on the sand day she had stolen y/n, to be honest she kinda missed them but she didn't say it of course

She walked to her meeting with her mom

Cassie: yes ma'am?

Sonia: cass, grand master sub-zero has requested you to come with him to the nether realm to speak with lui kang and kitana, he thinks sending you will show the special forces is willing to gain peace and possibly an alliance as well

Cassie: I'm on it mom

Sonia: good luck In Hell

Cassie: thanks

Fatality (Mortal Kombat x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now