Escsping hell

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Cassie doges a slash from the hooked blades and then jumped over a shot that would have cut her legs of at the knees

She shadow kicked him in the chest sending him over the railing to tumble to the ground below

Cassie: Damnit.....

She ran down the stairs hauling y/n behind her
Cassie: lets go

A blur next to her made her sigh, she needed help, like sub zero, maybe if she held off kabal long enough she could get his help

She needed a distraction

Cassie: hey Kabalsack! You always such a whimp? Seems like all you do is run

He growls under his mask
Kabal: I used to be beautiful, I'll make sure to fix your face to

She said with a laugh

Cassie backed up until her back hit the door that sub-zero, this is the point at which she got her idea

Cassie: so speed boi, think you can take me?

Kabal: without breaking a sweat

He speed at her but she grabbed y/n and jumped spinning in the air seconds before he would have hit her, due to this he slammed through the door causing a rather unfavorable conversation

Cassie: that bastard tried to kill me!

Subzero: Damnit

He slid back to her as kabal and kitana exited
Kitana: you dare enter my home to attack us?! Kill them!

Sub-zero threw up an ice wall but it was broken by a bladed fan traveling at high speeds then a person doing the same thing

Cassie held y/n close as the two looked over them

Cassie: fuck

She pulls out a pistol ready to use it

Kabal laughs and cracked his neck before something, and something big at that hit him, it was a man, about 6'5 to 6'8 tall and broad, he wore torn up jeans, a tan jacket, gloves and on his face was a white hockey mask

The giant took kabal by the neck before he began to bash his head against the wall repeatedly although the mask made sure he wasn't dying for now

Kitana: I thought we had that thing restrained?!

Kabal: it..ow....was ...ow....when....ow...I...ow..I.... checked

He said in between getting his head bashed, after not getting the satisfying splat he was trying for the brute threw Kabal to the ground and stomped on his face


Mileena was happy with her distraction, seeing kabal get hurt made her happy

She saw the girl, Cassie and y/n were together so she snuck quietly over taking the long way around

She came up behind Cassie and saw everyone else had their attention on the hulking brute

She snuck in to Cassie wrapping an arm around her neck her other hand covering cassias voice

Mileena: shhhh, I'll be taking my child now

She whispers very close to cassis ear

She felt Cassie tense up slightly then relax from her voice

Cassie nods releasing her tight grip on y/n

Fatality (Mortal Kombat x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now