Chapter 5: Closing In

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I let my tight grip on the sheets loosen and smiled up at Kakashi. "I just miss some people."

He rose an eyebrow at me and was about to say something when Tsunade burst into the room.

"Ha! Now you're set up for interrogation! Take that!" She pointed at me with a large smirk. She was huffing and puffing, but looked like she thought she won.

I shrugged and took the sensors off of my stomach, pulling up my shirt slightly. Naruto and Kakashi blushed, looking away from me as I pulled it up the rest of the way to get the sensors off of my upper chest area. I didn't see what was wrong, I had my chest bound with bandages so it wasn't like they would see anything.

Tsunade seemed surprised by my actions, but she hadn't moved from her pointing position. I stood up and walked to the door then put my hand on the chilling knob to open it.

"What?" I asked. "Are you just going to stand there or am I going to go be interrogated?"

The cocky look on her face was replaced by one of annoyance. "Fine! I'm coming..."

I walked out of the door and held it open for everyone to come out. Naruto was still blushing, but Kakashi had got himself under control.

I thumped Naruto on the head and gave him a smile. "Get a hold of yourself, Naruto. Probably nothing you haven't seen before."

"W-What?!" He covered his face with his hand and I laughed.

"Don't tell me you haven't had one girlfriend for all these years." I laughed at the look on his face then was pulled away by Tsunade.


*Kakashi's POV*

No... That's impossible.

I was back in my hospital room, sitting on the bed with my back against the wall. I felt tired from my little visit and needed to rest for a while.

I crossed my hands in front of my face and thought.

That couldn't have been Hibiki in there. I know people change, but... It's never that drastic in such a short amount of time. I mean, look at Gaara. He was able to overcome everything, but he is still the same silent kid he was before.

I shook my head and lay down on the bed.

Something must have happened that she isn't telling us about. She's laughing and smiling too much... I can't believe that that girl is Hibiki. And if she is, she is covering up something really, really bad.

*Hibiki's POV*

I was strapped to a chair in a really dark room where a bunch of evil-looking instruments were hanging on the wall. Ibiki Morino, the man who I remembered was the proctor for the first round of the Chunin Exams, stood in front of me. He was giving me an evil smirk, which I replied to with a small smile.

"Are we going to get started soon?" I asked.

He laughed and slammed his hand on the table. "You're going to wish we never did."

He started pacing around the chair and the table. "What is your name?"

I rose an eyebrow. "That's a little easy for an interrogation isn't it?" The humor left my face when I saw the look on his. "Hibiki Tsukino."

"Real name?"

I was confused for a second, realized what he meant, then sighed and looked away. "Hibiki Uchiha..."

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