Lots of Stuff... (Author's Note)

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Yeah... As you saw by the title I have a lot of stuff to do, so I may not be able to update for a while. I'm sorry, but I had a Battle of the Books competition yesterday and I have a lot of schoolwork that needs to be finished. I have no idea how long this will take, but I will try and update as soon as I possibly can. I will try and write in my free time. Although, I wouldn't expect something anytime soon. I will still try to reply to all of your comments as much as I possibly can. I can promise you that much.

For now, I shall leave on the good note that I am halfway through the newest chapter. I am having writers block along with all of the other things going on though, so it's not helping anyone here...

Anyways! While we wait for all of this to pass, I want to here what you guys think is going to happen, who you ship, who you hate, etc! Pretty much tell me your thoughts on the book so far. :) Maybe this will cure my writers block and I will be able to write!

Thanks for being such awesome fans! (P.S. We are currently at 95, 886 reads for The Different One! And when you search up Naruto the book is on page 3! It's so cool! ^^)





- Nochangenecessary

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