Chapter 13: Dead

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(Warning: There is some harsh language in this chapter that I normally do not use in my story. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but I feel this is what the story needs to show the emotions felt by the characters in a way nicer words do not correctly convey)

*Hibiki's POV*

I took a step back from Tenshi. I had seen her like this once and it was when I was attacked on the first A-rank mission I went on as a Genin in the Star. Nothing good could come from this.

Tenshi laughed and took a step towards me. I felt the ground shake from beneath me and shivered. Nightmares from the past flashed through my head as she got closer and closer.

Naruto kept glancing from me to her as if he didn't know what to do. I couldn't take my eyes off of Tenshi. Why couldn't I escape the past? I had told myself to never again get close to anyone but... Here I was with one of the people I care about most about to fight with one of the people I knew I couldn't beat.

But I knew I had to try.

I reached over and grabbed a kunai out of Naruto's weapons pouch. I bit my thumb and quickly put a seal on it before I threw it as far away from the village as I possibly could. I put chakra in my arm to help strengthen my throw.

I concentrated chakra to my stomach and turned to Naruto. He was still in thought. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said, "Don't come after me!"

I jumped towards Tenshi and grabbed her shirt, my hand searing in pain from her chakra. "Flying Thunder God Technique," I muttered under my breath.

"Wait!" Naruto yelled, but we were already gone.

I pushed Tenshi away when we landed. She seemed to be in slight shock, but she had a devilish smirk on her face.

"My little Hibiki has grown up a lot hasn't she?" She chuckled darkly and smiled creepily at me. "You know how much I've missed you right?"

"You're supposed to be dead." I glared at her, venom in my words.

"And so are you~" She walked slowly around me and something began to crawl up her neck. I narrowed my eyes, following her every movement to make sure she didn't try anything. My heart was pounding loudly while hers was as calm as ever. "You wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for us."


The thing crawling up her neck revealed itself to be a curse mark, just like the one that snake man had tried to put on Sasuke. But this one had a different pattern.

My eyes suddenly widened when I realized how much Tenshi resembled the snake man.

"Ah," she said, "it seems as if you've figured it out." She stopped moving and chuckled. "And it's exactly what you think it is."

I glared harder at her. "What do you want from me then? You left your precious Star Village and, if my assumption is correct, went to live with your snake daddy. So what am I to you anymore? I have no value to you."

She laughed. "How naive! You are more important than you think you are." She reached out to grab my right arm, but I quickly pulled it away.

"Don't touch me!" I spat out. So that was what she wanted. She wanted my star!

"Oh~ But you belong to me, right? You're my property so I can do whatever the hell I want with you." She reached out for my arm again, but I dodged her and began doing hand signs.

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