The Rise and Fall Cover Challenge!

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Since no one is looking at it on the legit story, and it's obvious no one reads my authors notes and/or they don't care, I shall say what I want to say here!

In my authors notes I have been talking about writing an OHSHC fanfiction. The whole idea was to write the whole thing then post it all at once (like a chapter every day/once every week). Unfortunately, it is not yet finished. But! I have already posted the prologue and have a contest for a cover! So, the rules are also posted on the story, but you can see them here also.

If I get one or two sent in I will write faster!


So what is going to happen is I am going to tell you guys a bit about my character and what I want for a cover then you all can make one for me and send it to my email (it's in my author description. Also tell me if you plan to make one by commenting on the chapter!) Then I will make a special chapter for each cover so that people can vote on it. When I am about to post the story I will announce the winner (cover with the most votes). Of course the winner will have their cover used for my story.

Not that the other people will not get something for taking the time to make a cover for me. I will follow everyone that makes me a cover and if they have a story I will go and vote on its chapters.

There is not a deadline set for this comp because I don't know when I will finish The Rise and Fall. When I do, I will make a separate chapter announcing that the time to send in a cover is coming to a close.

Now, here are some details on the story so you can make a cover that has to do something with the book. I'll try not to give too much away though. ;P

Main Character

Name: Hiroko Mu

Looks: Extremely short black hair, bright blue eyes, soft but somewhat androgynous features, normally puts on a polite but fake smile for people (otherwise she keeps her face emotionless)

Most Important Characters Related to Her


Name: Hiroyuki Isamu

Looks: Black hair with a streak of blond hidden underneath his bangs, deep grey eyes, soft features, constantly has a large grin on his face


Name: Kyoya Ootori

Some things to think about as you make it

It would be awesome if you put these things~

Hiroko crying

Dark/melancholic feel

The word rise and the word fall are bigger then the rest of the font

That's all! Thanks to anyone who actually takes the time to make a cover for me. I know it can take a while and I really appreciate that you would spend your valuable time to do something for me. DM me if you have any questions. This story could be up quickly, or it could take a little while longer to come out but I promise that I will post it. Thanks again!




Make a cover


- Nochangenecessary

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