Chapter 6: Star

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Both of us twirled around when the girl screamed.

"H-Hey!" I yelled towards her. "What's wrong?"

She slid down the metal bars of the cell and fell limp on the ground.

"What should we do?" I asked Taka, who stood beside me.

"I don't know..." I knelt down in front of the girl, concern etched on my face. "Hey, you. Whatever your name is, get up. We'll take you outside for a second if you get up and follow our rules, okay?"

She stayed silent. A shiver went through the air and I pulled out a kunai. "Taka... I have a bad feeling about this."

I inched back, getting in a fighting position and preparing a substitution jutsu in case anything were to go seriously wrong. I thought I heard something move, when Taka yelled out and ran to hide behind me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, but he was too in shock to answer.

I sighed and inched closer to the girl, my stomach twisting in knots. I got closer until I could see into the cell. It seemed like there was something... Glowing. Was that chakra?

"H-Hey," Taka finally spoke up. "Get away from there, that chakra... It's evil! Almost as if the nine tailed fox were right in this room..."

I felt a shiver down my back, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of the girl. "Don't worry, the walls should stop her from doing anything dangerous."

As I moved closer to the girl and her chakra wings, I heard a low rumble. I was almost at the bars when I realized that the low rumble was actually the girl. She was giggling, but her voice was distorted and the laughs were strained, as if she were in pain.

"Hey, uh..." I put the kunai in front of my body for some form of protection and reached the bars. "It's okay, we'll let you out. Just calm down-"

"Are you crazy?!" Taka yelled out. "She's crazy! If you're going to let her out, then I'm outa here!"

Taka took off running down the hall past all of the other prisoners who were beginning to awaken due to the evil chakra in the air. My attention was turned back to the girl when she giggled again.

"You won't let me out, hm? Even when I asked nicely?" Her voice was distorted just like her giggles. What surprised me most was when she looked up.

She was crying, but there was a cruel smile gracing her lips. "Run..." she whispered, the smile faltering for a second. "It's not me. It's the-"

"Shut up." The cruel smile appeared on her face again. "Now that she's gone, I guess I'll have to get out by myself. It's been a while since I took more chakra for myself." She giggled and one of the wings of chakra reared back.

My eyes widened as I realized that a simple kunai couldn't save me from this one. I turned my heel and ran.

"Don't go too far!" I heard her giggle again and there was a loud bang. There was only one thing on my mind, I needed to warn the village!


*Hibiki's POV*

My breathing calmed down automatically, and I looked up in surprise. "No..." I looked around, seeing my arms and legs bound to the wall with large vines. I was trapped, but I had been here once before.

"Not this again, not in the Leaf!" I jerked at the vines holding my arms when an image appeared in the back of my mind, almost as if it were a dream.

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