Chapter 8: The Funeral

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*Tenshi's POV*

My eyes drooped as I watched the Uchiha practice with his snake sword. How boring. Father told me this boy was interesting, but watching him train was the exact opposite. Ripping out my eyeballs seems more appealing.

I sighed, leaning my head on my hand and thinking back to Hibiki's old training days. She was so cute and amusing. Her training in the Star was so much more interesting compared to this.

I looked behind me at the door. Hibiki was just a few doors down... But Father told me not to visit her in case the Uchiha got suspicious.

I sighed again, catching the attention of the Uchiha. He turned and glared at me, putting his sword back at his side.

"If you are just going to keep sighing then leave. I can't concentrate with all of the noise you're making."

I laughed at him. "If you can't handle my sighing then how do you expect to concentrate in a fight? You might as well stop your training now if you can't handle the noise." He scoffed and turned away from me.

"Just be quiet."

"Ha!" As fast as the lightning from his Chidori, I grabbed his sword out of its holster and put it up against his throat. His eyes were wide and I smirked at the look on his face.

"Now that's amusing. Try doing something like that to me. You'd never get close."

I laughed as he grabbed his sword out of my hand. "Then train me," he said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And where did that ego of yours go? Is it here?" I lifted his arm up and looked under it. "Nope, just defeat." He ripped his arm out of mine and put it back at his side. I smirked at him when he glared at me.

"Are you going to do it or not?" I tapped my chin.

"I don't know... I've already trained one Uchiha, but she was much more interesting than you. She treated me like I was all she had. And when I think about it, I was all she had!" I snickered and pat his shoulder.

"Fine, I'll train you. But don't expect any special jutsu or anything. You'll have to speak with Father about that. And whenever I want to stop, we stop. Got it?"

He nodded with slight reluctance, but nodded none the less.

I smirked and took the sword from him again. "Well then, let's begin!"


*Naruto's POV*

I stared down into my cup of ramen with sad eyes. In the corner were empty cups of ramen whose contents had filled the rest of the trashcan. I kept making them, but I couldn't bring myself to eat them and when I finally decided to they would be too cold.

I slammed my closed fist on the table. "Damn it..." I slammed the table again then hit my ramen cup across the room, spilling its contents all over my lap.

I cursed under my breath and ripped my shirt off. I threw it across the room and began to kick things around. I flipped over the table and pushed over the large pile of ramen cups I had created.

I wiped angrily at the tears that started to flow silently down my face. "How dare you," I said to myself. "How dare you mourn her when her last wishes were for you to be happy."

I fell over my bed and rubbed a shaky hand through my hair. "I couldn't save her... I was right there and I didn't do anything!" I grabbed at the sheets, hoping that somehow the sheets would take my frustration and tears and make them disappear. "And the worst part is," I took in a shaky breath, "She said she loved me too."

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