Chapter 12: Nothing Else

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*Hibiki's POV*

Naruto put his hands behind my head and pulled me towards him. Our lips connected. My eyes widened in surprise, but as my heart beat faster and faster, I remembered that this was Naruto I was kissing. This was the person that had opened my heart to others once again. The one that had loved me for who I was. And the one that I loved.

I wrapped my arms around him and ran my hands through his hair, pulling him closer to me. His lips were soft, but a little chapped. And he smelled like ramen. I would have laughed if I wasn't distracted by something else...

"U-Um," Sakura muttered. We disconnected and looked over at her. She was blushing profusely and rubbing her hands together. "I think I'll just leave." She looked awkward as she walked away, her heart was beating very very quickly.

I turned back towards Naruto when she was out of sight. He was smiling at me. I hadn't seen his smile in forever and the sight of it had me reminiscent about better days. Days where Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, and I were on a team called Team 7. My life was so different then. I surely changed during my time in the Leaf and during all that I went through after I left.

But Naruto... Naruto hadn't changed a bit. Maybe he was a bit more mature, but he was still the reckless and ambitious kid I met all those years ago. He was still the person I had fallen in love with.

I smiled softly back at him. "What a nice welcome." He chuckled and took one of my hands in his. He intertwined our fingers and stood up. I followed the action, and watched him carefully as he began to walk forward.

"There's someone here that you may remember," he said, grinning at me. "I'm sure you'd like to see them again."

"Really? I'm not sure if I want to see anyone else right now..." I suddenly began to feel a bit nervous, but Naruto squeezed my hand to give me a bit of reassurance and I felt a bit better.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'm sure you'll be excited to meet them. They pretty much know nothing about what has been going on, so there is no need to get nervous." I nodded, hoping that he was right and that I didn't need to be nervous.

We continued walking, passing by several people working on the way. One or two gave me weird looks, but shook it off and continued working. We were nearing the outskirts of the village when Naruto began walking faster. "They're over there!" He smiled and pulled me along towards whoever he wanted me to meet.

When their heartbeats reached my ears, I smiled a bit. Ah, so they are here.

I smiled a little as we walked up to that old drunk, Tazuna, and his son, Inari. They smiled at Naruto when he walked up to them then gave me a quizzical look. Their eyes moved to our hands and widened.

"Well, well, well," Tazuna spoke, putting his hands on his hips. "Nice for you to come visit us again, Naruto." Naruto smiled back at Tazuna, never letting go of my hand.

"I said I would didn't I? And this time I brought someone else." He motioned to me and I put up one of my hands in a lazy wave.

"Yo, nice to see you again." I smirked at them when they both tilted their heads to the side to stare at me.

"What are you talking about?" Inari asked. "I've never met you before."

"Eh?" Naruto looked over at me and back to Inari and Tazuna. "What do you mean? Of course you've met her before!" I chuckled and calmed Naruto down.

"It's alright, Naruto." I bent down a little to reach Inari's new height and thumped him in the middle of his forehead. "I've really changed so I'm not that surprised." Inari's eyes widened when he realized who I was.

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