Chapter 16 - Once Again

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The move to Suna was easier than I thought. The only people I told about my leave were Naruto and Hinata. Naruto seemed to be a little upset, but he didn't try to stop me. I couldn't tell whether it was because he didn't want to or because he knew he couldn't stop me. Either way, I had his permission as the Hokage, and as a friend, to leave. 

Hinata on the other hand...

"What?! No, of course you can't leave!" The edges of my lips tugged up into a smile as she flamboyantly waved her arms around. Hinata seemed like a very shy person, but once you got to know her, you knew that she was anything but. "This is your home! You can't just up and leave! And you're a ninja of the Hidden Leaf. Ninja can't change their affiliation so easily."

I chuckled and pat Hinata on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Hinata. I have permission from the Hokage himself." 

Hinata's eyes widened. "WHAT?!" I flinched a little, rearing back from her. 

"Loud much? Why aren't you shy and quiet around me anymore? It was less annoying."

She punched me lightly on the arm. "It's cause we're best friends and I care about you." She sighed a little, letting her shoulder's hunch and admitting her defeat. "I know I can't get you to stay... Thought I might as well try, at the least." I smiled and pat Hinata on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Hinata. You're a great friend."

She beamed at me, and I returned the gesture. That is, until her smile turned into a knowing smirk. "So... Are you really leaving for new treatment? Or are you leaving for the Kazekage?" 

 Are you really leaving for new treatment? Or are you leaving for the Kazekage?" 

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(This is the closest I could get to a smirking Hinata XD)

"W-What?" My face heat up with embarrassment. I shook my head. "We're friends Hinata!" She continued to smirk at me. I sighed and ran a hand down my face in exasperation. "Just friends." 

She shrugged. "Whatever you say~" I laughed and punched her in the arm. "Ow!" she yelled out, rubbing her arm with an exaggerated pout.

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Payback." She laughed and shook her head, but did nothing more. We smiled at each other for a long time until Hinata's smile slipped into a frown. 

"I'll miss you."

I gave her a sad smile. "I'll miss you too."

"Promise you'll come back and visit?"

"Whenever I can. Promise." That got her to smile again. We spent the rest of the night reminiscing over the past and laughing over all of the silly things we did as children.


I turned back and waved with Gaara and his siblings as we made our descent from Konoha. All of my friends- my family- were there, waving as I went. It hurt my heart when I turned away from them, tears stinging the back of my eyes despite the fact that I could very easily come back and visit them. Gaara looked over at me and smiled, wiping off a stray tear that fell down my cheek. 

Never Again: Sequel to The Different One (Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now