Chapter 10: Boring

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*Tenshi's POV*

I slurped at the wriggling shrimp in my mouth and watched Sasuke attack the air. "Sharper," I said, decapitating another one of my victims and stuffing the body into my mouth. "Faster," I smirked as he began to get sloppy with his movements.

"I said sharper!"

He growled and thrust his sword towards me and I swiftly parried it with a small blade I took out of my boot. I used the blade to slice his bare chest.

He grunted in pain and reached down to stop the bleeding. The blood ran over his hands and he knelt on the ground. I stood over him, smirking at his bent figure.

"Get up," I said, tapping him with my foot.

He didn't say anything. It seemed to me that he was refusing my orders.

"I said get up!" I kicked his side and he fell onto the floor with a single tear of pain escaping his cold facade and falling down his face. I turned away from him with a disappointed sigh and began to walk out of the room.

"You better be ready by tomorrow. Get Kabuto to heal you. Meet me here again." I turned and smirked at him. "Or don't. That looks like the smarter choice." I turned back, grabbing my bowl of drunk shrimp, and walked out of the door.


I chuckled to myself as I stared once again at Hibiki's sleeping body. Father said that he didn't want to resurrect her yet, since she wouldn't really be alive if he did it with his reanimation jutsu. I was overly excited to see how she would react to seeing me once again, but I contained my excitement. She needed to truly be alive in her own body. We still needed her to use the star sealed within her body.

I moved my finger along the glass, tracing her jawline. What a beautiful creation. And to think that she was mine. I giggled and leaned into the back into the chair.

How much longer would I have to wait? I couldn't stand it!

"Not too long now," Father appeared from behind me and stared into the glass. His eyes sparkled, warming my frozen core. He almost looked... Proud.

"Are you proud, Father?" I asked, smiling and leaning closer to him. I was hoping he would say yes and he knew it. All I had ever wanted was his satisfaction. I wanted him to say that I was worthy to have his cells inside of my body.

"Not yet." My smile fell from my face and I leaned back in my chair, pretending not to care. I felt his rejection inside of my chest, though, and it was as painful as a blade. Maybe even more so.

"I understand." I looked away from Hibiki's body, disappointed that she couldn't give me my father's approval.


I killed all of the men in a flash, piercing each of their hearts with extreme precision. They didn't even get a second to breathe before their breath was taken from them. Their bodies hit the ground all at the same as I flashed back to Father.

His eyes were staring at my work with zero emotion.

I tried not to show him how tired I was after I had killed several other groups of men in the same manner. Not to mention we walked all the way to the sand from his hideout in the Land of Fire without stopping. I was about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Are..." I took in a shuddering breath. "Are you proud of me, Father?"

He shook his head. "Not at all. Your father did this once without getting tired at all."

I could tell that was a lie, but I didn't point it out. I was too tired to even bother. I took a few steps forward and tripped over my feet. I scraped my elbows and knees on the dirt as I tried to catch myself. After I had fallen somewhat safely I allowed myself to rest on the ground. I still hadn't gained my father's approval. I couldn't count on my fingers how many times I tried to get his praise. A smile, smirk, anything would be better than the stoic face he always wore when I murdered for him. When I did anything for him.

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