Chapter 9: Sancha's Past

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*Sancha's POV*

I stared at the ground as my mother yelled at me.

"Who do you think you are, huh?!" My cheek already stung from the slap she had given me earlier and I wasn't looking forward to another one.

"Answer me, girl! Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are." The way she emphasized each word told me that I was going to be hit. Instead of backing down from her, I stood my ground.

"Sancha," I said, lower than I intended.

"What?" I saw the anger in her eyes and realized that she wasn't the only one that was allowed to be angry and hit people. I had those rights too. I lived in the Star Village and was a part of the Tsukino clan. I had a right to be angry!

"I said it was Sancha!"

Her hand reared back and she hit me. Hard. "You are wrong! Those stupid women, Hiroko and Tsukiko, are the ones who call you that. I am your mother and I named you Koto. That is what you are after all; a thing."

I took in a deep gulp of air and screamed. Mom's eyes widened and she covered her ears. "Shut up, brat!"

Her hand came down again, but this time I was expecting it. I reached out and deflected her hand. I held her wrist as tight as I could and pushed up the sleeve of her navy blue shirt. Seeing her bare skin, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and clamped down onto her arm until the taste of blood entered my mouth.

My mom screamed as loud as I had and began pounding my back with her fist. She shook me over and over trying to get me to let go, but I refused. I wasn't going to let myself be beaten down anymore!

Light entered our room and someone ran towards us. The pounding stopped and I was forced to let go of my mom's arm by someone's strong hands. I smirked at the angry and scared look on my mom's face. I stuck my tongue out at her and licked her blood off of my lips.

"Take that, girl!" I yelled at her and began to laugh maniacally. It felt good to finally win. To fight back. I had dealt with her for all eight years of my life and I deserved this.

I was turned around by the person who grabbed me and I was finally able to see my captor. My eyes widened as I saw the plump face of Hiroko. I looked behind me and saw that Tsukiko was the one that grabbed my mother. She was trying to keep my mother from attacking me.

"Sancha." I turned back around and stared blankly at the worried look that was on Hiroko's face. I expected a scolding for attacking her, but what she asked me made my eyes widen. "Are you okay?"

She pushed the side of my face and inspected where my mom had hit me. I stayed silent and let her fuss over the bruises covering my body. My chest felt warm and I wondered if this was what it felt like to have a real mother.

"M-Ma," I said, addressing Hiroko. She looked at me when she realized that I was talking to her.

"Yes, Sancha?" I pulled her close to me and felt my tears slip silently onto her shoulder.

"I love you," I choked out before breaking down into violent sobs.

She hugged me tighter and whispered, "I love you too."


I stared at the strange girl who was clutching onto Tsukiko's hand. She was looking at the ground and tugging nervously at a bandage that was wrapped around her head to cover her right eye.

She seemed to be about my age, so I went straight up to her with little hesitation. "Yo," I said, sticking out my hand for her to shake.

She gulped and stared at it for a second.

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