Chapter 15 - Off

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"So what you're saying is..." I stared at my pasty white hands as they gripped the sheets beneath me. "I've just been laying here for years?"

Naruto nodded his head. He looked so different now. Apparently he had become the Hokage after Kakashi Sensei and I could tell that he had grown more mature. His hair was shorter and he had grown even taller than before. "The doctors don't know what happened, but after Choji stabbed you your wounds started to heal. It was incredibly slow, however. You were still bleeding pretty badly. They used medical Ninjutsu to help you as much as they could, but in the end it was decided to just let your wounds heal the rest of the way on their own. They thought once your wounds had healed you would wake up, but..."

He looked out of the window and I sneaked a peek at him from under my hair that had grown out since I fell asleep. He looked even more handsome now that he was all grown up and mature. It felt weird to see Naruto like this. I supposed it was because I still felt as if I was 17 when really now I was almost 30. (A/N: I don't know how old Naruto is in The Last so this is just a guess. Does anyone know?) I had missed 11 years of my life.

He turned back to me and I quickly looked back down at my hands, hoping he hadn't caught me staring. Normally I wouldn't have cared about whether he caught me or not, but something felt different. It felt awkward to be around him now. I was weak and he was strong. I felt intimidated.

"But you never woke up." He broke me out of my thoughts when he finished his sentence. He sighed and sat beside me on the bed. "I know it must be a lot to take in, and no one is expecting you to cope with everything in a day, so just... Just try not to think about those things now, okay? I can tell you about everything that has happened since you, ya know..." I chuckled softly and nodded my head, laying my head against the pillow once more.

"Alright. Tell me everything."

Naruto proceeded to tell me about everyone's lives and everything that happened since I "slept". Temari and Shikamaru became a thing apparently. Dog Boy (not to my surprise) is a bit of a play boy now. That part made me chuckle a little. The weird thing was, Naruto kept avoiding talking about himself and the rest of Team 7. He didn't mention his life or whether he had a family or not. I was about to ask him, when someone barged into the room.

"Lord Hokage!" The person bowed to him. "I'm so sorry, but I couldn't hold them back. They're coming in." All of a sudden, two kids came barging into the room. Naruto looked slightly irritated, but he smiled at them none the less.

Both of the kids looked a little bit like Naruto. One was a girl with pink hair that oddly went well with her small, blue, slightly angled eyes. The other was a boy with blonde hair and light green eyes. He even had whiskers like Naruto. Their features made everything clear in my mind, but I still looked over at Naruto, who was rubbing his neck sheepishly as the kids stared at me in awe. "Naruto," I said, eyes widened. "Are you-"

"Kids! I told you to stay put. Your father is-" I turned towards the door and the person I saw made my eyes widen slightly. What I had assumed was correct. I looked from her, to Naruto, then at the kids and everything seemed to click into place.

"Hibiki... You're really awake..."

My heart constricted in my chest. I knew what this meant, but nothing was making sense in my head. Sakura was standing in front of me, scolding the kids for interrupting their father. When I looked over at Naruto he had a small blush dusting his cheeks. I could hear his heart beating quicker than it usually did, and it only made my suspicions seem more true.

"Oh," was all that managed to escape my lips. It felt like I couldn't breathe. Like there were invisible hands reaching out to grab at my throat and suffocate me. My brain felt like it was throbbing in my skull from all of the questions that began to run through my head. My mouth was dry and my palms were sweaty.

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