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Yoyoyoyoyoyo *awkward cough*
Hello everyone~~~~~ I've been gone so long omg I'm so sorry I'm a horrible author :,(

I've been working on the new chapter for Never Again and also a little bonus chapter on TDO ;3

But! Part of the reason I'm here today is to inform you of my new account @jjiminnie ! I was going to use ifitisright for kpop fanfiction but yeah.........

ANYWAYS if you like Kpop please check it out. Or if you don't and just want to check it out that's okay too haha.

If I get 10 followers on that account (I only have 2 ;-;) I'll update anytime between now and next weekend (Japanese class takes up all my free time after school but I was given a long weekend so I've been writing a lot ^^). And this is a serious promise. None of the waiting for two whole months crap I pulled before. I've been writing a bunch of different stuff to get myself back into the rhythm of writing so I know I can do it. :)

I think this book will be done in the next few chapters! I have a plot twist in store so please look forward to it. ;3

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me even though I am horrible at updating and stuff. XD I love you all~~~~

Have a good day friends! You're all amazing~~~~

(P. S. Sorry if you thought this was gonna be an actual chapter when you saw it updated ;-; I believe this happened last time)

*EDIT* Thank you guys so much for getting me 10 followers! I'll update by tomorrow. :)

Follow @jjiminnie

Follow @jjiminnie

Follow @jjiminnie

Have a great day/evening/night/existence


- Nochangenecessary

Never Again: Sequel to The Different One (Naruto Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now