Chapter 11: Forever

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(A/N: There was a bit of a time skip here)

*Naruto's POV*

I thought of Hibiki as I stood in front of the person controlling Pain. Nagato had gone through so much with his friends when all he wanted was peace. That was what Hibiki wanted too wasn't it? Before she... Died.

"I have told you my story. Now what is your answer?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out Jiraiya's first book, the one who's main character had the same name as me.

"I also believe that the world is cursed." I gripped the book tighter and looked up at him. "But, I was told by two of the most important people in my life not to give up. Pervy Sage believed in me. He left me with his quest for peace. And Hibiki, wherever she is now, believed with all of her heart that no one deserved to die no matter what. So I'm going to believe in both of their beliefs. That's my answer."

It was silent as the two of us watched each other. I refused, absolutely refused, to give up on the world. And I knew that pain wasn't the way to achieve the peace that the both of them believed in. If I didn't carry on and achieve that peace for them, then who would?

"How?" he asked. "How do you know that you will never change? No matter how much pain you endure, how do you know?!"

"You aren't the only one that has experienced pain." I sighed and stared at the floor as memories coursed through my head. "There is no telling what type of pain I'll experience ahead. But... I made a promise to myself for Pervy Sage and Hibiki. I would achieve peace no matter what. And I would do it without pain."

"You're a curious fellow. You remind me of how I once was. But, I couldn't believe in Jiraiya or myself. I feel that you will be able to walk a better path." Nagato raised his arms and made a hand sign. "I think I shall believe in you, Naruto Uzumaki. Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth."

*Hibiki's POV*

My eyes opened quickly when I was unable to breathe. I didn't know where I was, but I was in some type of liquid that was keeping me from getting oxygen into my lungs.

I kicked my legs and reached the top of whatever tank was holding my body. I took a deep gulp of air and hung over the side of the circular glass tank that I was recently inside of.

Once I caught my breath, I took the time to look around. There was nothing else in the room except for the tank and a chair that was on its side. I was the only person in the room, for which I was very thankful. The people that put me in here had decided not to give me any clothes.

I tried to be as quiet as possible as I slid out of the tank. I plopped on the floor without making a sound and looked around the room again, hoping that I would find something to wear. Unfortunately, I was right when I said that there was nothing in the room except for the tank and the chair.

I sighed and crossed one of my arms across my chest and used the other to cover my privates. I had to get out of here. Wherever "here" was. And I had to do it quick, so no one saw me.

I looked around once more. There were two doors on either side of the room. I chose randomly and went to the left, hoping that there would be as few people as possible to get in my way.

I opened the door then ran as quickly as I could. The tapping of my feet echoed around the halls and I flinched every time I passed a door. I didn't know where I was going, the only thing I could do was run down the halls and hope that I find...

A way out of here!

I smiled when I spotted the hatch that must lead up to the surface. I reached up and pushed it open, watching as the hatch opened with little resistance. A small smile found it's way to my face and I pulled myself out of the dungeon I was in. Or whatever that dark place was.

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