Trust Me

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X42 wakes up in a cellar room with a women, who's treating her wounds! The short Burnett hair women smiles at X42 as she's finally awake.

"Dear your bleeding, did the daughters do this too you?" The Burnett said

X42 shook her head as she pushes herself up, then stops as she smells the burnett's blood coming from her head.

"You're bleeding!" X42 said as she gently caresses the burnetts hair back behind her ear. The brunette was hypnotize by her voice and her eyes...

"It's my punishment, after dropping something by accident!" The brunette said.

By blink of an eye, X42 bites into the brunettes neck as she screams on top of her lungs!

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!" The Burnett screams as X42 holds her as she was drinking the brunettes blood.

As the scream started fading away and her body just stopped moving. X42 gasp for air as she just had a delicious meal that she hasn't had in so long! And then she hears a door slamming and she hears footsteps coming closer.


She sees this so called X42 aka Lelia, holding the maidens corpse as her mouth was covered in blood!

"You're Daniela...Dimitrescu!" Lelia drops the body like it was nothing and walks to the cellar gate.

"Did you kill her?" Daniela walks closer as she sees a corpse dry to the bone!

"Yes...are you surprise?" Lelia said as she smiles with her golden eyes like Daniela's family!

Daniela's eyes widened and smiles with joy as she leaves the dungeon to tell her sisters and her mother.
After Daniela searches for them, she finds them in the dining room.

"Mother and sisters something just happened!" Daniela busted in as it made all of them jumped.

"On Mother Miranda wings! What happened!" Her Mother said to her.

"Why are you so excited?" Cassandra said

"Are you hurt sister?" Bela asked as she was worried!

"No I'm not hurt! Yes I'm excited because mother, sisters I need you all too come to the dungeon now!" Daniela said as she leads them.

~Time shortly skips ~

"Mother, sisters look what she did to the maidens body!" Daniela points at the dead corpse as Leila was sitting a meditation position as her mouth was still covered in blood!

"Leila X42, did you kill her?" Cassandra said as she leans in at the cellar!

Leila opens her eyes and smiles, she gets up and walks to the cellar gate.

"Just call me Leila for now one Cassandra!" She said as she smiles more

"How do you know my name?" Cassandra asked.

Leila giggles as the Dimitrescu girls just waited for her to tell.

"When I killed her maiden and drink her blood, I have the abilities to see the memories...I know all of your names." Lelia said, "You're Cassandra, the oldest sister, the other one is Bella, the second oldest and the girl who ran up to tell you your younger sister, Daniela!" She added.

When Lelia stops in sees this tall beautiful woman! Who was wearing a sun black hat, leather black gloves, beautiful dark red lipstick as she was wearing a long white sleeve dress!

"And you...are Lady Alcina Dimitrescu! The Countess of the castle!" Lelia bows in a respecting manner, "And one of the Four Lords of this Village." She added

"Yes I am!" Alcina said as she kneels down at Lelia's level.

Alcina takes notice on Leila's eyes as they slowly fade away back to her natural which were dark brown black eye colors. Alcina caresses Leila's chin closer to hers as Leila starts sniffing her lavender perfume!

"Will you be our guest my dear? I swear I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking." Alcina smiles as Leila smiles back.

*She looks like a lost child looking for a home. Maybe I can have her live here after getting approval from Mother Miranda!* Alcina thought to herself.

"Now if I open the door...will you obey my rules?" Alcina questioned her.

Leila looked hesitant at first but then thought about it and she quickly nods for yes. Alcina grabs the cellar key as she opens the door slowly, Leila steps out the daughters smile with joy as they had a new friend to play with.

"You should really never trust people when you first meet them!" Leila said she disappears within a blink of an eye!

"GET HER!" Alcina tells her daughters as they disappeared.

Leila appears out of smoke and she was looking for the main doors, she was getting lost as the halls were a maze. And she heard bugs coming out of nowhere...

"Found you Leila!" Cassandra appears in front of her as she tries to grab her, but Leila disappears into smoke.

Then she appears somewhere in a dining room.

"Hello young maiden, you must be new!" One of the maiden said.

"No I'm not a Maiden help me get out please!" Leila begs the Maiden.

"You can't escape this place, trust me my friend is in the basement right now!" The maiden said

Leila thought for a second that she just killed her Burnett friend! Then Daniela comes in as she heard them talking.

"Good job maiden and you found her! My mother is going to happy to punishes you Leila!" Daniela giggles as she takes out her sickles.

"No...I need to leave or you guys will get hurt badly!" Leila disappears again.

As Leila was roaming through the halls in her cloud of smoke, she finds another maiden. As she appears in front of her.

"Please help me!" Leila asked again, as the maiden screams in fear which alerted Bela out of thin air.

"My mother is not going to hurt you!" Bela said as she tries to grab Leila but she vanishes again!

After roaming the halls for a few more minutes, she finds a giant door. She runs towards the door as Alcina steps out from the shadows.
She quickly tries to grab Leila but she's smart and disappears...this time she was sitting on the chandelier!

"Would you stop CHILD! I'm not gonna hurt you I swear!" Alcina tells Leila.

"Really...if you're not gonna hurt me then why do you have your fucking claws out?" Leila giggles and points at them.

Alcina notices as she retracts her claws back into her hand and slowly tries to make peace with Leila.

"Listen Leila, I know you can see memories from the maidens blood but I'm not going to hurt you after what Daniela showed us!" Alcina said, "I would like to get to know you if that's okay...if you trust me dear!" She added

Leila listens to her heartbeat as she was telling the truth, Leila slowly flies down from the chandelier but she steps backs away. Then her daughters appeared next to their mother...

I hope you guys like the story so far. I'll update as soon as possible currently writing one other series that's connected to a book!

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