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Three months went by, Leila decided to take the offer of working for Chris. As she didn't want to died but she wanted to use this offer to escape but she still had the neck device on her. So she had to wait for a good moment.

"So Leila, you really hate your mother that badly?" Chris said as he and his squad were in a airplane with you, as your hands were tied up and muzzled up.

"Yes, she's the worst mother...I'm ashamed to be related too her. I wish you was fucking dead...again!" Leila told him as she looked away.

Chris was quiet for a moment but then asked her more questions about her life and then the family that she was living with.

"So tell me about what was it like living at castle? If that's okay by you!" Chris wondered

Leila smiled and she thought about her family more, than she looks back at Chris and proceeds to tell him.

"They're everything to me...they gave me clothes, they welcomed me a place to sleep!" Leila said, "Especially the lady of the castle, my adopted mother, she wanted me to stay there and live with them as soon as I hurt a maiden, who tried to poison me. She looked at me with love and care...something that I've always wanted from my biological mother...but never got! I have never felt more welcome and accepted throughout my life." She added.

Chris was shocked after hearing Leila speech about her family, he clears his throat and looks at her.

"Then why did you leave, if you love them that much!" He asked

"To protect them, I gave myself up because I didn't want them to die for me. I'm willing to do anything just to protect my family back at home...where ever I was staying at!" Leila said, "If you were in my shoes...would you have done it too!" She asked Chris

As Chris was about to answer, one of his squad members came up.

"Sir, we're almost at the target...shall we release...Leila, when we get to the ground?" One of his men said.

Chris looks back at Leila and she just shrugged her shoulders as she awaits for her answer to his buddy!

"We will release her to find the target when we land!" He still looked at her while his crewman understood.

~Shortly Time Skips~

Chris and his squad finally landed as they decided to limit Leila's abilities to find the target and bring him back to the plane. Also taking off the muzzle.

"Now Leila this is the guy you're going to be looking for, his name is Toni Dennis, my men have been tracking him for awhile. You need to bring him back here!" Chris order her as she rolls her eyes.

She just chuckles as she took a look at his mugshot. She asked if they had something of him to help her track him.

"I need a piece of clothing from him, it helps me track him faster besides just looking!" She asked.

One of the crew mates brought out a scarf of his, that he left behind at the last location.

Leila smells as her eyes changes color. She can already smell him, she disappears in the cloud of smoke. Chris was shocked of her abilities.

As Leila was going through the town as it was filled with people.
She decides to hide in alley, so she wouldn't get spotted as she reappears.

"I want this thing off, but I can' will fucking shock me!" Leila tries to pull off a neck brace but it shocked her.

One of the townsman people saw her struggling as they came to approach her.

"Do you need some help miss?" One man said, Lelia looks at him and smiles as she nods her head.

"Do you have a knife or something?" Leila asked, he brings out a pocket knife as he was trying to get the neck device off of her.

It shocked her again as she yelps, he guy notices her eyes as they were golden red.

"What the fuck are you?" He asked as he backs away!

Leila was already getting irritated of him not helping her, so she did it the traditional way by covering his mouth and tearing into his neck! She drinks his blood and then she focuses on finding Toni.

As Leila walks to the town she can smell his scent, then she hears a female voice calling her.


Leila turns around and sees a figure, it was Mother Miranda but only her voice as she was controlling a female body!

"Miranda?" Leila was shocked and happy to see a familiar.

"Yes my darling! It's me, now tell me what are you doing here and I'm trying to help you!" She said

Leila quickly explain that she needs to find a guy that Chris and his men have been tracking down. She even tells Miranda his name.

"His name is Toni Dennis, I need to find him!" Leila said

"Child you're going to be listening to me very well...You need to kill him! He must not live, he's an enemy of ours, he's been trying to kill me and your family for years." Miranda said, "I worked with him many years ago and he swore on everything her owned, that he would track me down!" She explained

Leila was shocked, knew she couldn't really disobey Chris's orders but she wanted to protect her family! She nods her head as she agrees to Miranda's

"I'm only here—short time...find him...and kill him!" Miranda's voice disappeared as the woman was getting her conscious back.

Leila disappears as she still tracks the guy down. She smelled in the air one more time, she walks towards a small house far away from the crowded people in town.

She walks in and sees Toni in a chair facing away from the door.

"I'm ready to go" Toni said, grabs his bag but he didn't see a squad but only Leila.

"Oh you're going to go...straight to hell when I'm done drinking your blood!" Leila smiles.

Then she lunges herself at him as he falls to the ground, she opens her mouth as she tears into his neck seeing his memories.
As she gains information that he has stored in his mind. After drinking him dry, she wipes the blood from her mouth and then gathers his PaperWorks. Then she flashes through the small town, as she makes it back to the plane

"Where's Toni?" One of Chris member said.

"When I got there, he knew he was going to he cut his neck!" Leila lied as she hands them his PaperWorks.

Then Leila felt bolts hitting her neck, as she falls to the ground and they already knew that she killed him somehow.

Leila lied there, slowly closing her eyes as the last thing she heard, was someone saying something.

"Told you Chris...she's not worth saving!" One of the people said.

Everything went black...

Writers block moment sorry y'all. I hope you guys like it though.

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