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Leila wakes up screaming, Alcina gently grabs Leila and pulls her close to her.

"Leila—you're safe, breath!" Alcina breaths with Leila, eventually she slows down her breaths and wipes away her tears.

"Mother I need to tell you something... and I already told Heisenberg but I'm scared to tell!" Leila looks up at her.

"Drags Mea, you shouldn't be afraid to tell me...what happened did you have a vision?" Alcina looks at her.

"I had a vision of me...being taken away by the soldiers!" Leila tells her, "I didn't want tell because you guys would freak out! It's coming...I don't want you guys to get killed because of me!" She added.

Alcina was quiet for a moment...then she clears her throat and looks at her.

"I'm not gonna let them take you away, YOU'RE A PART OF THIS FAMILY!! I'll slice those soldiers into ribbons if they lay a hand on you!" She tells Leila.

"But mother—" Leila gets cut off.

"No buts...I will notify Mother Miranda and tell her what is going to happen!" Alcina kisses Leila's forehead. As she falls back to sleep

~Time Skips~

Leila wakes up, she sees her mother was gone. She stretches and sits on the bed for a good 20 minutes thinking about on how she needs to protect her family.

"I wonder who that woman was, that I saw in my sounded like my other mom!" Leila talks to herself.

She gets up and starts running herself a hot bath as the maiden just came in on time.

"Lady Leila...did another maiden to start your water?" The same maiden that was blushing on Leila's birthday came in.

"No, I decided to run my own bath but would you mind getting me something to drink." Leila tells her as the maiden blushes hard.

"Of course my lady, I'll be back!" The maiden leaves.

Later the maiden comes back with the wine and then she leaves. And then she heard thunder and lightning as she looked out of the window.

"Today is the day!" Leila takes a drink, as she got out, she decides to put on something simple as she walks out of her bedroom.

She tries to remember every detail of her home! She begins to cry quietly as she didn't want her family or the maidens to hear.

Leila saw a vision of soldiers heading this way. She stop, then she walks towards the dinning room as she sees her sisters sitting and waiting for breakfast.

"Morning Leila!" Daniela smiles as the other two agreed.

"Morning Dani, by the way...where's mother?" Leila asked

Her sisters stopped smiling as they were told, on what Leila told their mother!

"She's on the phone with Miranda, and we're going to protect you!" Bela said as she hugged her.

"Sisters...they're already heading this way, I don't know when but soon! I want to enjoy this day with you guys!" Leila tears up, "...please..." her voice cracks as her sisters felt Leila's pain

As the girls agreed, they quickly finished their breakfast and headed out with Leila without notifying their mother or the maidens.

Shortly after Alcina walks towards the dinning room as the girls were gone. The maiden were cleaning the room.

"Maidens...where are my daughters?" Alcina said with a harsh tone.

The Fourth Daughter X Lady Dimitrescu Where stories live. Discover now