The Happy Ending

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The Dimitrescu family and the other
Lords were already up as they get everything done. Leila finally wakes up as she realizes that today is the day that she will marry Becca, the love of her life. Leila quickly jumped out of bed, takes a nice hot shower and dashes through door as she wants to see her wife-to-be, but Cassandra stopped her.

"You cannot see her today! Mother forbiddens you, until the wedding starts!" Cassandra hiss at Leila.

"Really?!" Leila crosses her arms as she glares at her sister. Cassandra nodded as she need to help Leila get everything ready.

Leila sighs as she really wanted to see Becca. Both Cassandra and Leila walked while talking about the future.
Leila explains how she wanted to have a family of her own with someone. Now she has someone to share it with! Even Becca agrees on starting a family.

~Shortly Time Skips~

Both Daniela and Bela came by with last minute decorations that their mother, Miranda and Donna forgot to get, they were tired of running back to Miranda's,  then Donna's and then coming back to their home.

"You guys okay?" Leila asked.

Daniela was beaten from moving so much while Bela was slouching as her back was killing her. They looked at her with bags underneath their eyes.

"Nope!" The both said at once.

Leila and Cassandra giggle as they knew that they hated the last minute bullshit.
They both disappeared as they need to rest, and later shower.

"Ah Leila and Cassandra just the girls I'm looking for!" Their mother approach them.

"Hello mother!" Leila and Cassandra both said together.

Their mother hands them a list of things that needed to be check off before the wedding starts. Leila and Cassandra both looked at it was quite long.

"Mother, Leila cannot see this! She needs to get ready..or is this list for me?" Cassandra asked her mother.

"It's for you Cassandra, beside I need to take Leila to the bedroom, so she can get ready! Now run along dear, the list isn't going to get done by its self." Alcina smiles at Cassandra.

Cassandra growls and she disappears at the list. Leila was happy to hear as she walks with her mother to the bedroom.

~Shortly Time Skips~

Leila and her mother both were happy as they tried on their wedding out fits.

"Oh look absolutely beautiful in that dress, I'm happy that Donna made it for you!" Leila wipes her tears away as she sees her mother's beautiful dress.

It's was a elegant dark red fading up into black. It had white gems on the right shoulder strap and the líder side rib.

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