The Conversations

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Miranda calls Alcina, to tell her that Leila is alive and well, as she's working with a group of soldiers to track down people.

"Alcina Dimitrescu speaking!" Alcina said

"Alcina, my darling, I have some news...I contacted Leila! She's doing okay and alive!" Miranda said, "She's working with a group of soldiers, most likely a group of men!" She added

" I always hated them! Why and where is she!" Alcina is concerned as she needs to find her daughter!

"I used some of her belongings to able to track her soul but I only found her in a small village as she was tracking down a man, that I know many years ago!" Miranda plays with the phone cord.

It was silent for a few minutes, then Alcina broke the silence.

"I-I want...her back Miranda!" Alcina's voice cracks

"Alcina, it hurts me that you're hurting! Yes, to be honest, I'm very strict with a lot of things but I do care about you and your siblings. It's hard for me to show it but I do truly care" Miranda tells her.

Alcina was shocked that Miranda was telling her this. As Miranda has been strict with them for years...

"You're my first Cadou child! You are the oldest out of all your siblings, I want you to stay strong for yourself, your other daughters and for Leila !" Miranda tells her, "She will return...give it sometime!" She added

"Thank you Mother Miranda...I'm trying to stay strong but it's been hard! The girls haven't talked to me about their feelings...Daniela has been in her room for awhile, Cassandra has been leaving the castle grounds without notifying anyone!" Alcina cries into the phone, "And for Bela, she's been apparently staying at Donnas!" She tells Miranda

Miranda mentioned that she will talk to Donna and tell her to send Bela home. And she'll be over there soon to talk to her and the girls about the problem of Leila.

"Alcina...what I want you to do it for today is it take a hot bath, ask one of you maidens to bring you some wine. But right now, go find Daniela and Cassandra" Miranda orders Alcina, "Spend time with them, they need their mother! I'll call Donna right now" She added

"Bless you Miranda, I'll see you later...goodbye!" Alcina said

"Goodbye Alcina!" Miranda said as both of them hung up.

Next Miranda calls Donna Benevenito

"...Hello?" Donna said quietly

"Donna,'s Mother Miranda! Is Bela Dimitrescu staying with you!?" Miranda asked

it was quiet for a second as Donna sigh.

"Yes...she's here..." Donna said.

Miranda hears Angie and Bela laughing and talking in the background. She didn't want to sound harsh towards her but she said it in a calming but tone voice.

"Well I just got off the phone with Alcina...apparently Bela's been staying with you, and her mother is very worried because three of her daughters are not talking to her...she needs to go home Donna!" Miranda tells her, " May I speak with her actually!" She added

Donna calls for her, Bela takes the phone as she talks into it.

"Um...Mother Miranda?" Bela said

"Hello darling, how are you? I've been told by your Mother, you've been staying at Donna's and she's been telling me what's been going on with you and your sisters!" Miranda said all at once.

"I'm okay at the moment...and yes I've been staying at Donna's. I'm trying to stay strong's hard...something about Leila...she made us feel...happier again." Bela cries

"I know, your mother told me but you need to go home as she's worried about you three and Leila...she needs her three daughters right now!" Miranda's voice shook as she hates seeing Alcina's children cry.

"I'll go a's just—Angie reminds me of Leila! I just want to alittle time with them!" Bela cries again.

Miranda tells her that its okay, but she wants her to be home before the temperature drops soon. Because of her sensitive body...Miranda didn't want Alcina to lose another daughter!

"I will call later to ask Donna if you left and then I'll call your mother!" Miranda said with a tone voice.

Bela agrees as Angie was pulling her to come play.

"...Come play!!..." Angie shouting in the background.

"Go play darling but promise me!?" Miranda asked

"I promise Miranda, I'll be home before night falls!" Bela said, "Goodbye!" She added

"Goodbye Bela!" Miranda said as she hangs up the phone.

As Miranda sits in her chair, looking at herself in the mirror...she even wonders if Leila was even coming back...Miranda can do so much with her abilities but they have limits of their own...

"My Lady...your tea is ready!" One of Miranda's maidens called from other side of the door.

Miranda walks towards the door as she opens it.

"Thank you Maiden...have you gotten all of your chores done?" Miranda asked as she takes a sip of her tea.

The maiden and tells her that she has one more chore and she'll be fully done for today. Miranda smiled towards her, as she caresses the maidens hair back behind her ear.

"I never mentioned this to you but...what is your name?" Miranda tilts her head and waits for the maiden to answer.

"My name Evita...Eva for short! My Lady!" The maiden said as she looks at the ground.

Miranda drops her tea after hearing that name. Her heart fluttered as she smiled at her...Miranda lifts up her chin to look into her eyes.

"Do you have family in the village?" Miranda quickly asked her.

"No family...I lived in the orphanage, then I ran away because I heard you had a job I took it! My Lady!" Eva said to Miranda.

Her eyes begin to water because she never knew what it's like to have anyone to love her...

"Your name reminds me of someone...who I loved years ago!" Miranda's eyes being to semi water, "How old are you and don't worry about the tea mess, I'll clean it up!" She added

"Oh Umm...I'm currently nine years old but I'll be 10 in about two weeks from now, My Lady!" Eva said, looking into Miranda's eyes.

Miranda nods and tells her to proceed with her to finish her last chore. Ava nods as she walks away. Miranda walks to her desk and she writes in her journal.

My maiden, has the same name and correct age as my first daughter!
She has no family, but maybe I can take care of her...all the years of searching for a perfect vessel!
Never worked out, like the last one, Rosemary Winters, who I thought would be the perfect candidate but I was wrong.
But this Maiden someome I cannot describe...

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I've been going through a lot right now. I hope you guys like this.

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