The Welcome

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As Leila was standing there looking at the family, she knew that the soldiers were going to be looking for her soon...she didn't want them to get killed because of her...

"Listen I would love to sit and chat but I have to go really." Leila said.

"No please!"
"Don't go!"
"We'll protect you!"

All the girls said at once, Leila was confused on which one said what. Then Alcina hushes her daughters as she kneels down in front of Leila.

"Dear Leila, why don't you wanna stay! Are you running from something or someone?" Alcina ask

Leila was a little hesitant to tell them the truth, but she can sense that Alcina could hear her heartbeat!

"I'm running away...I was going somewhere with a couple soldiers on a plane...I was going to be executed by them..." Leila said

"Executed? Why did they want to kill you, did you do something bad?" Alcinas eyes widen with excitement.

"Yes I did...I killed people...when I was young...I was living on their base since I could remember!" Leila felt like she was about to cry but she shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

Alcina asked as she moves closer to her as she sees Leila shaking...

Leila was getting flashbacks of her mother and what the soldiers did to her when she was growing up.
Everything around her started to spin as her breathing got very thick and heavy. Leila's body started to sway back-and-forth, her eyes begin to slowly dim and she blacks out.

~Time Skips Over~

Leila wakes up in a big bedroom, she sees her outfit was change while she was asleep, and the outfit was something more like the daughters.

"Hello Leila, did you sleep good?" Alcina looks at her as she puts down her book.

"Yes I did actually, I'm sorry if I passed out on you...I had a flashbacks on what I went through on the base." Leila stretches as she smells her hair as it was wet with lavender fragrance.

"Sorry dear, I had to give you a bath because you smelled and I wanted you to feel relax!" Alcina walks over to her as she sits on the bed.

"Thank you Lady Dimitrescu, this bed is so comfy...I haven't slept in a real bed in years." Leila tells her

"Well I'm glad you slept...for four days" she smiles, Leila's eyes widen after hearing four days of slumber she was surprised.

"My...I need to sleep badly." Leila laughs as well as Alcina.

After laughs for a few, Alcina asked if they can make an agreement. Leila listens as Alcina told her the agreements and also told her the rules of living in the castle. Leila agree as she tells Alcina her own rules and agreements.

"Your just like me." Alcina smiles as she hands Leila a glass of blood.

"Thank you, Lady Dimitrescu." Leila bows her head as she sips the blood glass.

"Isn't it good dear?" Alcina smiles, she sips more of her glass!

"It is but I only drink blood when I'm weak." Leila said, "I can eat human foods and eat flesh if there isn't human food around" she added as she places the glass down

"How interesting...are you feeling strong enough to walk my dear?" Alcina stands up as Leila felt stronger then ever before.

The Fourth Daughter X Lady Dimitrescu Where stories live. Discover now