The Blessing

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Alcina makes a phone call to Mother Miranda, she it's quite nervous to tell her about Leila but Leila belong with Alcina and her daughters!

"Mother Miranda speaking!" She said.

"Mother Miranda, it's Alcina, I need to talk to you about something important!" Alcina said.

"Proceed..." Miranda said as she waits.

"My daughters found someone in the woods...oh Mother Miranda, she's quite incredible, she's like my daughters!" Alcina said, "She has the exact same abilities as me and my daughters!I would like for her to stay and I would like for you to meet her if you're up to it..." she added

It was a quiet for a few minutes, then Mother Miranda spoke.

"I would actually like to meet her...what is her name Alcina?" Mother Miranda said it was a monotone but exciting voice.

"Her name is Leila! But I would also want to ask you, if it's possible...I can take Leila underneath my adopt her as a daughter?" Alcina said, "I don't know much about her past but she's been telling me here and there!" She added

"You have my blessing Alcina, but only if she accept...but you have to get her permission for you to adopt her!" Miranda said

"Bless you Miranda...shall we met in a week from now?" Alcina asked

"That is okay by me Alcina...I cannot wait to see this woman that you're telling me!" Miranda chuckled, "I have to go Alcina!" She added

"Goodbye Mother Miranda!" Alcina said as they hangs up the phone.

Alcina had the biggest smile on her face as she heard Miranda giving her blessing to Alcina too adopt Leila!


"Daughters?" Alcina turned around as her daughters fall from her closet door.

"Dammit Daniela!"
"Ouch that hurt!"
"It's not my fault!"

All of the girls said together, Alcina chuckles after seeing them on the floor like that.

"Are you really going to adopt her mother!?" Daniela smiles as she walks over to her.

"I was going to talk to you girls but you're already here! How do you guys feel about having another sister?" Alcina questioned her daughters, as all three of them looked at each other and then looked at her.


All of them said and then both Cassandra and Bela looked at Daniela for her last comment.
Alcina smiles with joy as she gives all three of them a hug and kisses.

"Mother, her birthday is coming up this week...maybe we could surprise her!" Cassandra said, "I saw it on some papers that I found at the site where Daniela found her!" She added

"Yeah, maybe we can get her something! She loves it here as she told me that just earlier and she just feels safe!" Daniela said. Bela agreed to her statement.

Alcina smiles more as she walks with them as they all went their separate ways. A few hours went by everyone was in the dinning room for dinner. Alcina was drinking her wine as stage girls were talking about their new hunting trip!

"Hello Lady Dimitrescu and hello girls!" Leila comes in with a outfit she was give by Daniela.

"DANG! You look different! I love how you changed the outfit!" Daniela smiles. Bela and Cassandra loved the fashion sense that Leila made!

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