The Midnight talk

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A day and half before Leila's birthday, she wakes up from having a nightmare from what the military soldiers used to do to her.
She decides to leave her bedroom, she checks the hallways as it very quiet and she didn't want to wake the family up.

"I really need to get these nightmares under-control...I hate having them!" Leila tells herself as she finds her way towards the kitchen.

Leila decides to make herself some tea as she notices the maidens locations for kitchen utensils.
As she waited for the tea to boil, she thought about her she would always make tea whenever Leila had nightmares from the base.

"Draga Mea?" Alcina voice came in.

"Lady Dimitrescu...I'm sorry if I woke you!" Leila bows her head.

"No Leila, I was already awake! You making some tea?" Alcina said as she sat down in the chair.

"Oh and yes it's boiling, I like it when it's extremely hot. I always have lavender!" Leila said as she went to go check on the water.

"I like lavender too dear!" Alcina said, Leila turns around and she smiles.

"Leila I want to get to know your whole story, if that's okay?" Alcina tilted her head and waiting for Leila's responses

"What would you like to know?" Leila grabs 2 cups places them down as the tea was about to be ready.

"Everything" Alcina said, Leila took a deep breath and she brought the tea over.

"Well I was an unplanned child, apparently my mom didn't follow the orders as she injected herself was some type of deadly blood serum and then it made her have sex with one of the soldiers, who later died in combat!" Leila takes a sip from her tea, "So I never met my dad, and my mom was forced to keep me after what the sergeants and the people on the base heard. Everyone treating me different when I was growing up, whenever a soldier comes back with battle wounds. I would have muzzle on my face as I went crazy over the smell of the blood!" She added.

Leila shook her body as she was getting flashbacks but she focus on Alcinas voice. As somehow it always calmed her down, and whenever Leila had these episodes nightmares, Alcina was always right there!

"Oh my...that's a lot my dear!" Alcina takes a sip of her tea as she listens more too Leila's story!

"They would also abuse me whenever I would attack, I killed so many of the soldiers...they lost count!" She takes a moment to focus her breathing, "Then one day I was with my mother, she was in the bathroom, and then I heard her fall...then all of a sudden I smelled blood..." Leila stop has she had a small episode of her mother.

"Leila? Draga Mea are you okay?" Alcina gently grabs Leila's hand as she squeezes.

Alcina sees tears running down her face, Leila quickly snapped out of it. As she cracks her neck, relieving some pain.

"You don't have to tell me all!" Alcina cups Leila's face.

"It's okay, I think talking about it helps me with my episode nightmares!" Leila wipes her tears away as she gently squeezes Alcinas hands.

"When I smelled the blood, I quickly ran to the bathroom and then I found my mother lying on the floor...her wrists were open and she tells me something that I would never forget..." Leilas eyes began to turn red from watering, "She told me that the biggest mistake in her life that she ever made was'm the reason why my mother died...I killed her..." she broke down crying.

Alcina walks as she gently lays Leila's head on her chest as she comforts her. Alcina runs her fingers through Leila's hair as Leila wraps her arms around her...holding her tight!

"Don't ever think that you're a mistake because you're not! You're a talented, beautiful, wonderful woman!" Alcina looks down and wipes Leila's tears away.

"You're so caring and sweet...I wish...I wish you were my mother!" Leila cries into her as she holds Alcina tighter!

Alcina was happy to hear her say those words, she hugs her tighter then before and she kiss her forehead as she hums too her.
As they both sat in the kitchen talking for awhile, some of the maidens came into the kitchen to do their cleaning.

"Oh Lady Dimitrescu and Lady Leila, we're sorry...did we miss something from last night?" One of the maiden said.

"No maidens, Lady Dimitrescu and I we're having a midnight talk while drinking some tea." Leila smiles as she cleans the cups but the maidens kindly asked her that they will clean it up.

"Leila, follow me." Alcina leaves the door as they both head too her bedroom.

Leila was right next to her, as Alcina smiles at her all the way to the bedroom.

"I wanted to save this for your birthday tomorrow, but I think I'm gonna give it to you early." Alcina hands Leila a box wrapped with a dark maroon velvet color with black ribbon.

"How did you know it's my birthday tomorrow?" Leila questioned her.

"Cassandra told me as she found some PaperWorks, when they found you at the crash site!" Alcina chuckles as she sits and waits for her to open the box.

"Thank you, Lady Dimitrescu!" Leila smiles as she gently open the box she didn't want to destroy it but keep it as a memory in her bedroom.

As Leila takes off the lid and she sees a beautiful necklace with the Dimitrescu family crest onto it. She gently takes it out and sees us how beautiful it is.

"Do you like it?" Alcina asked

"Like it?...I love it!" Leila covers her mouth as she begins to cry again with joy.

"Let me put it on for you!" Alcina turns Leila around as Leila lifts up her hair for Alcina.

"It was given to me by my mother years ago!" Alcina tells her, "And I want you to have it, Draga Mea!" She added she hooks the necklace around her neck and it fit perfectly.

Leila looks down, seeing the family crest on her, as she turns around and gives Alcina a hug.

"Thank you...Mother!" Leila buries her face into Alcinas neck!

Alcina froze as she brings to cry as she smiles for hearing Leila calling her Mother.

"No problem...Daughter!" Alcina hold her tightly, "I wanted to ask you after you surprise me and my daughters with that maiden! Plus you fit in with us so well, my daughters have called you their sister."  She added

"Yes they did and I even called them my sisters!" Leila pulls away as she and Alcina laugh, "I don't ever want to leave here...EVER!" She added

Alcina smiles and they talked until a maiden comes in do run Alcina's bathtub. Leila gives her one last hug as she leaves the bedroom......

This chapter is one of my favorites right now! I hope you guys like this one too!!

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