The Lake PT2

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After a year since Leila has been home, she confess her mother about her feelings towards Becca. Alcina was shocked but she all she ever wanted is her daughters to be happy. Even if they fallen for a maiden or someone else...she'll love them no matter what.

"How about we have lunch outside today!?" Alcina asked her daughters. The girls all smiled as they wanted to play hide and tag again.

"Mother is it okay if Becca comes, since she's now my personal maiden?" Leila asked as she drinks some juice.

Alcina was quite a second but she smiles at Leila. She agrees that Leila should bring Becca, as she has proven herself to be a loyal to Leila and everyone else.

"Yes, you can Draga Mea! Is it her day off?" Alcina asked her, Leila nodded her head.

Then Miranda comes in out of nowhere with smile on her face. All five Dimitrescu women looked over and seen her with new her daughter Eva. That Miranda adopted. Leila has meet Eva once, a month after getting back from the base.

"Hello darlings! You guys remember Eva correct?" Miranda asked, all of them nodded their head yes.

"Hey Eva!" All four daughters smiled and waved at her. She did the same thing back as she bows to The Ladies of  Dimitrescu castle.

Miranda explain that she wants to have a grill out at the lake today, this was her last stop as she already told the lords about it before coming here!

"That's quite funny Miranda, I even asked the girls if they wanted to go have a picnic outside, but I think the lake would be way fun!" Alcina agrees as the girls cheered with joy.

"That's good, we'll see you all there!" Miranda smiles as she and Eva both disappeared.


Leila and Becca were both having a moment in their bedroom. As they express their feelings more towards each other.

"Baby...s-shit, I love you Leila!" Becca moans into Leila ear, as Leila bites hard on her neck and drank some of her blood.

"I love you too Becca!" Leila tells her as she thrusts her fingers inside of her.

Becca rocks her hips, she leaves some marks on Leila's neck then a knocks from her the door.

"Sister, it's Bela, we're ready to go! Are you and Becca are ready?" Bela said from the other side of the door.

Leila looks at back and Becca shook her as she was still in the mood. Leila thought of something quick.

"Her and I are talking right now...we'll meet you guys at the lake!" Leila said as she surprises Becca with a thrust. Becca bit Leila's neck as she looks at her had a evil smile.

"Okay...have fun you too!" Bela giggles and walks away.

~An hour Later~

Leila and Becca both walked outside, as Leila tell Becca jump onto her back.

"Okay hold tightly!" Leila warns Becca, as she gives Leila a kiss on the cheek.

Leila quickly turns into smoke as she carries Becca. She finally sees what Leila turns into as she smiles more, after a few miles through the woods. Both of them see the lake, as the Lords and everyone else were swimming and having fun.

"Ready love?" Leila smiles at Becca.

Becca grabs her hand and walks down, Leila reminds her if Karl Heisenberg starts making her feel uncomfortable to let Leila know. She'll put him in his place.

"They're here!!" Angie shouted as she flew towards and hugs both of them.

"The food is about to be finish! Go have fun for a bit girls!" Miranda smiles at them, while Eva was with Leila's sister.

Leila picks up Becca and ran towards the lake as she throws her in. Becca pouts as she wanted to do it to Leila.

"Leila...that's not okay!" Alcina chuckles as she puts down her sun glasses.

Leila laughs as she joins Becca and the rest of her family.
Alcina and Donna talked about clothes ideas, while Moreau made the lake have massive waves as he controlled it with his powers. And for Karl, he was was play fighting with Angie like always.

Leila looks around, as she finally has a perfect family. She might even ask Miranda if she can make Becca be immortal too, but she might ask Becca first if she's okay with it.

~Somewhere on the hills of the lake~

"Do you see her?" Someone said.

The sniper was laying on a hill as they try to locate Leila throughout the gathering.

"Judy!" A man calls for her.

She turns around with the sniper as it was Chris standing there with his hands up.

"Dammit Chris you can't do that while I'm on the job! I'm trying to find Leila!" Judy said as she stood up.

"Listen Judy, just let her go! She's not killing anyone important besides the villagers! Don't you see that she's fully happy here, she found a family she loved!" Chris tells Judy, "To be honest, you weren't the best mother to Leila, but that tall vampire woman, she has years of experience of raising children! Leila loves her and everyone of those lords down there! Don't kill her, yes she killed your lover because he and his recruits mates used to abuse her a lot! They gave her PTSD! So yeah, she had every right to kill him and the others!! But think Judy!" He finally lays it out on her as she looks back at everyone at the lake.

"I know she killed my lover but I never knew she was getting abused...I wasn't allowed to visit her after my 'death' but now..." Judy looks down as she sees her daughter, Leila, as she hugs the tall women.

She remembers when Leila used to do that when she was a toddler...she cries quietly. Chris comes and lay his hand on her shoulder as he sees a family enjoying life.

"Black Raven! Do you copy me, do you have eyes on X42?" Someone in the ear piece said to her. Chris heard it as Judy looks at him, all he did was slightly nods his head. She places her finger on her ear piece and talks.

"No...X42 is not here, I repeat X42 is not here!" Judy said as she takes it out.

Chris smiles and he takes her back to the helicopter. Judy walks down the hill with Chris but she asked him if she can get a closer look of her without Leila noticing.

"I just want to see her one last time before we leave!" Judy said

"That would be okay by me! I'll met you at the helicopter then!" Chris pats her back as takes the sniper away from her.

Judy runs semi close to the family as she watches Leila having fun.

"C'mon Leila so got eat!" Becca said as she drags Leila out of the water.

"Ugh fine...just know you'll get punish for taking me out of the nice cold water!" Leila sarcastically told her.

"Promise?" Becca said as she kisses her.

As Leila let's go of Becca's hand, she stops as she feels a familiar heart beat. She recognized it as she slowly turns her head and sees her mother, hiding behind a tree.

"Hey I'll be right back! Just eat without me!" Leila said to them as they nodded.

She walks towards her mother as they semi far apart of each other. As they were at a good distance away from Leilas family...

Hope you guys like this! See y'all in the next one. Maybe three more chapters or who knows when I'll be done!

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