Dream Visison

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Leila has been living with her new family for about six months. She loves torturing the maidens that disobey her mother or her sisters.
She works out everyday, bright and early in the morning to keep up with her abilities up and strong.

"Leila...it's Mother..." Alcina opens Leila's bedroom and then she sees a note on her bed.

Dear beloved Mother and sisters,
I went with Heisenberg to go work out, so if I go missing you know who to blame (smiley face)
I'll be back before lunch time.


Alcina smiles as her little annoying brother takes Leila to go workout. Alcina leaves Leila's room, then her other three
Daughters came and asked if she had seen Leila.

"Mother have you seen Leila?" Bela asked as the other two nodded to her question.

"Draga Meas, she went to work out with Heisenberg but she said she'll be back for lunch!" Alcina smiles at them, they nodded and disappears.

~Workout session~

"Hey Karl, can I tell you something! And you have to keep it a secret!" Leila so that she puts down the weights bars.

"What's up kiddo? Is your mother being annoying like usually?" He chuckles as he gets done with sit ups.

"No, but I need to tell you something and I can't tell Mother nor my sisters about it!" Leila said, " I keep having visions in the same thing over and over again and I know it's going to come true!" She added

He stops and glares at her as he sees fear coming from her eyes. He walks over and places his hands on her shoulders.

"What vision was is it, kiddo?" He was concern as Leila was about to cry.

"My vision was...I'll be taken away within this week...by the military soldiers...I know they've been tracking me, I can sense them!" She wipes away her tears, "And I'm gonna leave with them when they come, I don't... you guys to die because of me! I am not willing to lose you all!!" She added as she sighs at him.

Heisenberg gives her a hug as Leila cries into his chest.
He tells her that it's not going for happen, he even makes a suggestion that he hates asking.

"I won't tell your mother or your sisters...but kiddo, you need to tell them as soon as possible!" Heisenberg said, "I can call and tell Mother Miranda, if that's okay by you!" He added

"No it's okay, I'll do it on my own when I tell them...soon" Leila looked heart broken, but for Karl Heisenberg...he did not want to see his niece crying.

"Alright, how about we foucs our anger, sadness and stress into these badass workouts, it will relax you more!" He smiles as he starts playin this heavy metal music.

Leila smiles as she continues to work out. Some time has pass, Leila looks at the time, sees that it was about to be noon and she stops everything as she needed go home.

"Sorry Uncle Hesien, I have to go eat lunch with my family!" She gathers her things, "See you tomorrow if you're not dead from this workout session?" She giggles

"See ya kiddo!" He still works out as Leila leaves.

As Leila vanishes through the woods in her cloud of smoke, she finally makes it to the castle.

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