Chapter 1 | "worth it"

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"Wake up bitch!"

-was the first thing Hyewon heard that morning right before she felt a pillow smack into her face, abruptly waking her up.

"Get your lazy ass up."

She groaned as she felt the pillow smack her again, the loud voice pulling her out of what was a very peaceful sleep. Opening her eyes she began to sit up, only to be smacked down by the pillow again.

"I'm trying to get up, dumbass, stop hitting me." She yelled as once again she was knocked back down into her bed.

"Lucas, start running while you can." She heard another voice say. "I'll distract her for you."

She chuckled to herself as she heard the loud footsteps of her best friend thumping quickly out of her room. She felt the bed dip down as the other boy took a seat next to her, placing a soft peck on her forehead.

"Morning, beautiful."

Her eyes fluttered open, feeling those familiar butterflies in her stomach she felt every time she saw her boyfriend smiling down at her. She returned the smile, sitting up and placing another kiss on his cheek.

"Morning, Junnie." She said with a yawn. "Did I oversleep again?"

"No, actually you didn't." Xiaojun replied with a laugh, brushing a stray hair out of her face. "Kun just added morning training to the schedule."

"Ugh great, as if I didn't have enough to do today." She mumbled, rolling out of bed and going to get ready as Xiaojun watched her with a chuckle.

"And what exactly did you have planned for today?" He asked, smirking as he already knew the answer.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a little lunch date with my wonderful boyfriend before leading tonight's mission." She replied playfully, pecking his lips as he stood. "Now get out, I have to change."

"I won't look." He replied with a smirk, spinning around as she tried to push him out of the door.

"Nope, remember the deal, not until we see colors." She warned, seeing his smile falter. "Don't worry, Junnie, we'll get there. It just takes time for us, but it'll all be worth it."

"Of course, I'll see you in a few minutes, love you." He gave her another kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

With a sigh she pulled open her closet, all the clothes a mix of black, white, and grey. She picked up the labels on them, reading their color descriptions before choosing a red training top with black shorts.

In their world, you could only see color once you'd met your soulmate. Sometimes it was instant, people saying their world turned to color the moment they made eye contact. Other times it was gradual, some had to date for a while and then one day they'd wake up with the world in bright and vivid color.

Hyewon and Xiaojun had been dating for almost a year and still no color, but they weren't losing hope. She knew they were right for one another and sometimes it took up to a year for people to see color with their soulmate. It was hard, but he was worth it to her. 

She looked at herself in the mirror, trusting that the colors matched with an approving nod as she opened the door and walked out.

"Haeji!" She called out, seeing the older girl walking down the hall. "Here to see Kun?"


Haeji was Kun's girlfriend of about 3 years. She wasn't part of their gang but often stayed over or came to visit and Hyewon adored her. She adored all of her member's soulmates. As the only girl in the gang, it made her feel less lonely when they'd come over.

"How do I look?" She asked, doing a little spin since Haeji could see color.

"Very nice." She replied with a nod. "I can't wait for you to get your colors, you look stunning in red."

Hyewon smiled, linking arms with the older girl.

"Kun should be running training with Ten, I'm heading there now." She said with a smile as the pair walked towards the training room.

"How's things with you and Xiaojun?" Haeji asked as they made their way.

"Still good, but no color yet." Hyewon sighed. "Should I be worried? It's been almost a year now..."

"Don't stress, remember that Ten and Chaemin also took a year before they saw color." Haeji said with a reassuring smile. "If he makes you happy, then that's all that matters."

"He does. Very happy." She replied with a firm nod. "In my eyes, he's perfect. We're perfect together."

"Then its only a matter of time. If your relationship is perfect, then that's all the confirmation that you need to know he's the one for you."

"You're right, thanks Hae."

The older girl chuckled at the nickname, ruffling Hyewon's hair as she pushed open the door to the practice room.

"Well look who made it on time." Kun called out as he noticed her walk in, Haeji going to stand by his side.

"Yeah and I have a special request to spar Lucas this morning if you'll let me." Hyewon growled playfully, cracking her knuckles and eyeing her best friend. "He needs his ass kicked"

"Of course, I'll make sure of it." The Chinese boy replied with a wink before turning his attention to his girlfriend.

"Don't beat him up too badly now." Xiaojun chuckled, throwing an arm around her. "He's on your mission team for this evening."

"Don't worry about me, man, I'll just step on her." Lucas said with a chuckle, poking her in the side. "It's not like she can outpace me anyway with those tiny little legs."

"You're lucky I'm small, or I would've drop kicked your ass all the way back to Hong Kong by now." She joked. "Come on, let's stretch."

I'm back~ this story is probably going to be on the shorter end and definitely more romance-focused so I hope you'll all enjoy!

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I'm back~ this story is probably going to be on the shorter end and definitely more romance-focused so I hope you'll all enjoy!

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