Chapter 2 | "all good"

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"Ouch, that hurt like a bitch." She mumbled to herself in English as her fist made contact with the pad.

"I heard that!" Ten called out from the other side of the mat, sending her a playful warning look.

"Goddamnit, I've got to learn to speak a language that none of you can understand." She grumbled as she took her stance again.

Kun just chuckled, holding up the mat and signaling for her to attack again. She continued training for a while with Kun, breathing heavily as her muscles began to weaken, hitting the pad with increased force over and over again.

"Alright Kun, I'm going to need to steal my girlfriend away now." Xiaojun said with a smile, walking over to the pair and grabbing Hyewon's hand. "I've been promised a lunch date."

"Yeah alright, have fun love birds." Kun said with a smile. "Don't forget, you're leading the mission tonight, Hyewon. Don't be out late, this is an important one."

"We won't, I'll be back in an hour or so!" She called over her shoulder as Xiaojun excitedly gripped her arm and pulled her out of the room.

She smiled at him as they all but ran to his car, sliding in and zooming out to the nearby city strip, Xiaojun taking them straight to her favorite restaurant.

"I can't wait for the future." He mumbled as they took their seats, setting off those butterflies in her stomach again.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously, silently hoping that just maybe he was starting to see something.

"I mean I can't wait to take you on dates and see you in full color someday." He chuckled. "I wish the universe would just hurry it's ass up and tell us we're soulmates already, this is getting difficult."

She felt her throat tighten up ever so slightly at his last words, but she just rolled her eyes playfully at her boyfriends antics, brushing it off with a laugh despite her feeling the same way. He chuckled, shaking his head at his own outburst as he settled into his seat. While he was distracted, Hyewon stared at the boy in front of her, unable to stop the doubt prickling at the very back of her mind.

Is he really my soulmate? Is he my future? I just want to see color...

She shook off those thoughts, plastering a smile on her face and reminding herself to trust the process. Xiaojun was a great guy, colors would come eventually. At least, that's what she hoped.

- - -

"Right on time, good to see I can still count on you to be responsible." Kun said with a nod as Hyewon came skipping to the meeting room later that day, clad in her dark mission gear.

"You know that Xiaojun would never let me be late, especially not to a mission." She said, high fiving Lucas on the way. " Plus, I would never miss a chance to kick some ass."

"Good to hear. This needs to be a success, alright?" Kun said sternly. "We have the truce meeting in two weeks and we need to upkeep our reputation. A failure right now could be devastating to our standing in the SM Court."

"You can count on us, Kunnie, we'll be fine." Hyewon replied with a nod.

"I know you will be." The leader said with a smile. "Hendery will be in your ear the whole time. Stay alert and stay safe. See you when you get back."

Kun dipped his head to them before turning and walking out, leaving Hyewon alone with her small mission team.

"You ready for this?" Yangyang asked.

"Yeah, let's get going." She said with a nod, the four of them quickly making their way to the garage.

She held the door open as they darted out of the house, Hyewon pausing to look over her shoulder for a moment and hoping to get a glimpse of Xiaojun to say goodbye, but of course he wasn't there. He was probably already in his room working on something else. She'd just go see him once they got back. They all climbed into her car, Sicheng in the driver's seat with Lucas and Yangyang at the back. Hendery quickly sent them their location and they zoomed off into the night.

- - -

"Alright guys, I'm at the last door and then we're all done." She mumbled into her earpiece as she walked down the final hallway. "I'll meet you out by the car in 5."

The mission was going well, the small group quickly taking out the people in the warehouse of one of their smaller rivals who'd been pushing in on their territory. All three other boys had thankfully done their tasks successfully without injury and now it was up to Hyewon to finish the job.

"You sure you got this, Hye? I can come back you up." Lucas said through her earpiece. "I'm only one floor down."

"I'm good, Hendery said it's only two people, so I'll be right out." She replied quietly. "Go and take a break."

"Alright, be careful."

She heard him cut the line as she let out a deep breath, focusing in on the room before her. With a huff she lifted her leg and kicked down the door, no doubt shocking the people waiting inside.

She bolted in, surprised to see 4 people instead of 2 but she quickly shook off the shock, mentally cursing Hendery for the misinformation and launching herself at the men. They were quick to take down, Hyewon knifing them in the back one by one as she used their surprise to her advantage. She'd gotten through all of them but one, spinning to face him when she felt a searing pain along her collar bone.

"Ah fuck!" She cried out, feeling his knife piercing through her mission suit. "That's gonna leave a mark."

She quickly knocked him backwards, feeling the blood begin to soak the material of her suit as she pulled out her gun and shot him three times in the chest.

She winced as she felt the pain near her neck, his knife digging deep into her skin. She quickly grabbed the handle, pulling the knife out of her suit and throwing it onto the ground. With a heavy breath she turned at left the room, hurting but happy to have succeeded.

"All good, Hyewon?" Sicheng asked as they saw her approaching the car.

"Yeah, got it all taken care of." She said with a sigh as Lucas pulled her into a hug.

She winced slightly as he did, the pressure making pain shoot through her wound. He quickly let her go in shock, staring at her before he noticed the dark liquid seeping through her suit.

"You're bleeding!" He exclaimed, catching the attention of all the other boys. "What happened?"

"It's fine guys, just a knife wound." She sighed. "I'm going to kill Hendery for telling me it was only two people in that room when it was really four, but I'll be fine."

The boys exchanged skeptical looks but decided to trust her, sliding back into the car and driving home.

The boys exchanged skeptical looks but decided to trust her, sliding back into the car and driving home

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