Chapter 5 | "time flies"

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Hyewon woke up feeling heavy the next morning. Her heart felt heavy. Her head felt heavy. She could feel those doubts and suspicious that she'd spent so long trying to suppress now swirling in her head.

She didn't even want to get up, silencing her alarm and flopping back down onto her pillow with a groan. At this point she was sure that Lucas told him everything, which was maybe a good thing, but Hyewon didn't want to deal with his apologies or excuses at the moment. She just wanted to be alone.

But of course that couldn't happen as only a few seconds later, there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." She called with a sigh, sitting up as the door swung open.

"Morning babe." Xiaojun said with a shy smile, coming to take a seat in the edge of her bed.

"Hi." She grumbled, not quite sure what to say.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday...." He began softly as she let out a sigh. "I didn't forget, I swear. I was trying to organize something but some issues came up with your present." He said, Hyewon not detecting the lie.


"Yeah. I- here." He pulled a small box out from behind his back and gave it to her. "This arrived late, so I didn't have it yesterday. I should've just been up front with you about everything, but I'm hoping you'll let me make it up to you today?"

She took the box from him, opening it slowly to see a small necklace inside with a square charm hanging from it. Reading the box, it was a white diamond. She smiled, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.

"Thank you, Junnie." She said with a smile. "And of course I'll let you make it up to me."

He let out a sigh of relief, giving her a tight hug before releasing her.

"Okay, get ready. We leave in an hour, alright? Nothing too fancy though, today is about fun." He said excitedly before ducking out of the room.

She sighed as her door shut, unable to hide the huge smile on her face.

I knew I could count on him.

With a renewed energy, she shot out of bed and began getting ready for whatever it was that Xiaojun had in store for her.

- - -

He took her all around the city. They started at her favorite dog cafe, she'd always wanted to have a puppy. After spending an hour or so playing with the adorable creatures, he took her to an arcade where their full competitiveness came out in all its glory.

Now they were at a fair, having ridden a ton of rollercoasters and won lots of stuffies, and finally sitting on the Ferris wheel to end their night.

"Thank you for this, Junnie." She said as the wheel began to move, giving them a few of the city. "This was maybe the greatest day ever."

"I'm glad." He said with a grin, leaning over to give her a kiss. "This has been an amazing past year with you."

"Wouldn't trade it for the world." She said with a nod.

"It'll be even more spectacular this next year."

"Why's that?" She asked, turning to look at him.

"Because our next year together will be in color." Her eyes widened as he said that, her heart racing in her chest.

"Wait... can you...?"

"No no not yet." He said with a sigh. "But most gradual couples don't take much more than a year so I'm sure our time is coming. It'll make all this waiting worth it."

"Yeah, yeah it will. This past year will be totally worth it, I'm sure all the waiting will finally pay off." She said with a hopeful nod.

"One year we've been together.... It's crazy how time flies." He chuckled.

"Yeah honestly, I still remember when we were little kids." She said with an amused huff. "You know, you really scared me today."

"Me? Why?" He asked with concern.

"Because I seriously thought that you might've forgotten our anniversary." She laughed as if it was the most hilarious idea ever. "Like, I really somehow thought that you would've forgotten our one year anniversary and ditched me just to hang out with friends all day."

"Oh, heh, yeah o-of course not." He said with a chuckle. "I would never! Sorry that yesterday didn't go as planned."

"It's alright. I understand that this took a lot of effort." She replied with a warm smile. "Speaking of which, I still haven't given you your gift!"

"Oh, right!" He exclaimed in realization. "Should we head home then?"

"Yeah just one more thing."

"What's that?"

She didn't reply, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you, Hyewon." Xiaojun breathed out as they pulled apart before pulling her right back in for another kiss.

"Let's go home."

- - -

After their return home that evening, they were attached at the hip. He was touched by her present and the two had spent the entire evening relaxing with one another. It was like nothing had changed.

Actually, it was like what their relationship was when they first started dating. No pressure. No drama. Just happiness.

"Thank you for today, Hyewon." Xiaojun mumbled. "It was great to be able to spend time with you."

"I had an amazing time." She giggled shyly. "Best anniversary I could've asked for. I can't believe you planned all of that."

"Yeah well call me a magician." He joked. "Anything for the girl I love."

She felt her throat tighten up, those nervous butterflies running wild in her stomach as they stared fondly at one another.

Say it, Hyewon. Just say that you love him!

But the words never came out. Something was stopping her but she didn't know what.

With a smile, she sat up from the couch, bending down to give him a peck on his lips.

"Well, tomorrow is the truce meeting so I think I'm going to head to sleep." She said. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Hye. Love you." He called as she left his room.

"Night, Junnie, see you tomorrow!" She replied before walking back to her room with a smile on her face.

She knew she could count on him and it was only a matter of time before they got their colors and she finally told him she loved him. Hyewon was convinced that was the reason behind her hesitancy.

Those words carried so much weight to them, and she was only going to say them seriously to one person. That person would be her soulmate and even though she was pretty sure it was Xiaojun, colors would guarantee it.

She flipped down onto her bed with a content sigh.

Someday soon. I'll know someday soon...

 I'll know someday soon

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