Chapter 24

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A few months had passed and things were going good for Hyewon and Jeno. They'd only fallen more and more in love and everyone could see it.

"Morning, beautiful." She heard Jeno mumble from beside her as her eyes fluttered open in the soft sunlight. "Sleep well?"

She let out a content sigh, nodding her head and curling her body further into his chest, soaking up his familiar warmth.

"Always." She mumbled. "Always when I'm with you."

"Ah what a softie." He chuckled lowly, giving her a soft kiss on the head. "It's time to get up, we've both got missions today, remember?"

She let out a groan, rolling over in the bed. Everything was so perfect as it was, sometimes it was easy for her to pretend they weren't in separate gangs. As perfect as her life seemed to be, she knew that eventually she'd have to pick a side because one day her loyalties would be tested, she just didn't want to face that reality.

"Yeah, Kun is going to want me to get back." She grumbled, sitting up and shaking off the remnants of her peaceful sleep. "We're helping allies today and you know how that goes."

Jeno just chuckled, nodding his head in understanding as they both got up from the bed.

"Kun's a good leader, he knows how to maintain relationships." Jeno said with amusement, ruffling her hair lightly. "It's for the best."

"I know I know." She grumbled, pulling on her jacket. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

He nodded, placing a light kiss on her lips.

"Stay safe."

"I will." She said with a chuckle. "You too."

With a final kiss, she turned and made her way out of his room, greeting his gang members as she left NCT's gang house and headed home.

- - -

"Hey, Hyewon, focus come on!" Kun scolded as they hopped out of their car and arrived at the meet up location. "We're on an ally mission so let's go."

She let out a sigh. She wasn't even unfocused, they had just arrived. She loved Kun and knew he was a good leader but god he got on her nerves sometimes with how particular he was.

"What's with the attitude, Wonnie?" Lucas said, giving her shoulder a little nudge.

"Nothing nothing." She grumbled. "Just a bit tired and Kun's getting on my ass again."

"You know how he is." Lucas sighed, passing her a gun. "Perfectionist as usual."

"Yeah I know it's just Taeyong isn't like this on missions..." she grumbled thoughtlessly before Lucas smacked her arm. "Ow!"

"Shut up!" He hissed. "The others can't know you've been on missions with them."

Her eyes widened in realization before she let out a short gasp and nodded her head.

"Thanks Lucas." She mumbled.

She was technically breaking gang rules by going on missions with NCT but how could she not? She loved those boys as well and had been spending increasing amounts of time with them.

"Come on, we're meeting EXO right now, let's go." Kun said as footsteps slowly made their way towards them.

Hyewon instantly straightened up as their allies approached them, she put on her practiced professional persona to appease Kun and clutched onto the gun in her hand.

"Kun, thank you for coming." Suho said as he bowed to Kun. "We're going to need you guys on this one."

"Yes of course." Kun replied with a smile. "I understand we're up against two gangs?"

"Yes, I've heard that iKon has brought in their allies as well." Suho said with a huff. "This is valuable land for us to win."

"I understand, we'll win this." Kun said firmly, motioning for the rest of the gang to mingle.

"Well if it isn't little Hyewon." She heard a familiar voice say, a small smile spreading onto her face. "It's been too long."

"Hi Kai." She said with a giggle, going to hug her older friend. "How've you been?"

"Eh, I've been better. Fighting over territory isn't fun but otherwise I'm doing alright." He shrugged.

"Well, hopefully this will be over and done with soon." She mumbled as Kun signaled for them to take up their positions. "Stay safe and we'll catch up later."

He nodded his head to her before heading back to his gang, Hyewon doing the same as Kun laid out their plans.

She and Lucas were paired together, as usual, and soon the gangs split and crept through the forest. There was a familiar tension about her, the impending danger of a mission still one to make her heart race a bit faster. Lucas nudged her shoulder, signaling that they were in position as she pulled out her gun and got low, waiting for Kun's initiation shot.

Soon the sound of a bullet rang out, followed by a painful cry and Hyewon lept to her feet. She and Lucas dashed through the forest and instantly opened fire on their enemies.

She dove into the fight, letting her instincts take over as she slashed at the enemy. Things were going well but it seemed like the people kept coming and she could feel her stamina start to waver. The smell of blood filled her nose and it took every ounce of control in her body not to gang.

She let out a painful hiss as she felt a bullet graze her arm and she could feel her hot blood slowly start to soak into her uniform. She shook her head, it had been a while since she'd had any sort of mission injury. Feeling the pain start to cloud her mind, she shoved off the man she was fighting and ducked into the forest.

She crept through the trees, looking for a place to take a break. Pausing behind a tree, she slumped down, letting it support her weight as she rolled up her sleeve and took a look at her injury. She winced slightly as she took a look at the gash. It was deep, her skin stained red with the blood that was still oozing from the cut.

"Shit." She mumbled to herself as she rolled her sleeve back up and tried to ignore the pain.

She closed her eyes tightly, letting out a sigh as she tried to refocus when the sound of twigs snapping alerted her to the presence of others.

"Come on." She heard a voice mumble. "Just a little further."

She clutched onto her gun as the voices grew closer and she tensed up, ready to attack. Once she knew they were right behind her, she leaped out from behind the tree, pointing her gun directly at the enemy with her finger on the trigger.

"Wait!" One of them called out. "Hyewon?"


Hi everyone, I'm so so sorry to have gone MIA but I just finished my first semester of college! I promise next semester I'll be better about updating but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be finishing the story this week (probably about 5 more chapters) and then I'll be publishing a new Jaehyun story. Once again, sorry for the delay but I hope you're all doing well!
-Author Hyun <33

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