Chapyer 25

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"Jaehyun? Oh my god I almost shot you!" She exclaimed, lowering her gun and running over to her friend. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm on a mission, why are you here?" He replied with wide eyes.

"I'm also on a mission..."

"Oh no no no don't tell me you're with EXO." Jaehyun said, a slight note of panic in his voice.

She gulped before slowly nodding her head. She watched as Jaehyun's shoulders dropped and he let out a sigh. Before he could say anything, the boy beside him let out a pained groan. In the heat of the moment, Hyewon completely forgot they had company.

She quickly looked down to see Taeyong clutching onto Jaehyun, his uniform ripped up and blood spilling out of his multiple wounds. He was hurt bad, his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths as he fought to keep his consciousness.

"Shit, stay with me Taeyong." Jaehyun mumbled, helping the older boy to his feet. "Our vans are on the other side of the fight, he'll never make it."

"Follow me." Hyewon said quickly, going to take up Taeyong's other side. "Our equipment is right this way."

"But you're with EXO. They'd kill you if they found out you helped us." Jaehyun said with hesitation.

"It doesn't matter, Taeyong will die if I don't." She replied firmly. "I'll deal with the consequences later, let's go."

After a moment of pause to think, Jaehyun slowly nodded his head and they rushed off to where WayV had parked their vans.

- - -

"Ok don't move Tae, you're gonna be alright." Hyewon mumbled as he let out a hiss of pain.

She carefully cleaned and wrapped his wounds, removing the shards of metal in his skin and sealing them tightly with bandages under Jaehyun's careful watch.

"Thanks for doing this, Hye." Jaehyun said as she tightened another bandage. "He wouldn't have made it otherwise."

"Of course, don't even mention it." She said, dabbing some disinfectant onto the leader's face. "I care about you guys too, I don't care which side you fight for."

"That's dangerous thinking, Hye." Jaehyun warned. "I appreciate it a lot, and we love you like a little sister, but there are gang lines that are drawn and you've been crossing them. It's very dangerous for you."

"I know, but-"

Just then she cut off as a rustle of footsteps began thundering towards them. Jaehyun straightened up, raising his gun and Hyewon did the same, stepping into front of Taeyong to guard him. Soon her gang members burst through the trees, all of them out of breath as the footsteps didn't stop.

"Hurry, to the vans! They're right behind us let's go!" Kun called out as they crossed the clearing towards the vans.

Just as her gang neared her, Hyewon noticed a group of men burst through the trees on their tail. She quickly recognized the members of NCT and she felt her throat tighten.

"Hyewon, get in the- what is going on?" Kun asked, slowing to a stop in front of Hyewon and Jaehyun, his eyes narrowing.

The rest of her gang quickly caught up, many of them spinning around with guns raised towards the boys trailing them. Lucas flashed her a worried frown as he raised his gun at NCT.

"Stop!" She yelled out, bolting forward between her gang and NCT. "Don't shoot, please!"

Her gang instantly lowered their guns at the sight of her before she spun to face NCT. She saw the recognition on the faces of her friends as they hesitantly lowered their guns as well.

"Stand down boys, don't shoot." Jaehyun commanded, coming to stand beside Hyewon. "She saved Taeyong."

They boys all instantly lowered their guns as Jaehyun gestured to their injured leader in the enemy vans. Hyewon winced as she saw the anger on Kun's face, knowing she was busted.

"You did what Hyewon?" Kun asked lowly. "How dare you? Have you no loyalty?"

"How can you be so heartless, Kun?" She whispered back. "You know I care for these boys too."

"Enough to betray your own gang?" Her leader asked, his words carrying a stinging bite to them that had Hyewon lowering her gaze.

"Woah woah Kun, she never betrayed you." Jaehyun said, coming to her defense. "This is my fault. I asked for her help with Taeyong."

"How can you speak for her now, hmm?" Kun yelled angrily. "When you're gang is trying to steal her from us?"

"Hey, what's going on?" Said a new voice as three boys ran to the clearing, having made sure none of them were followed. "Hyewon? What are you doing here?"

Her eyes widened at the sight of Jeno, quickly shaking her head at him. He looked at her confused before Jaemin whispered something in his ear and his eyes widened in alarm.

"Don't accuse us of anything." Jaehyun growled, turning back to Kun and holding his ground firmly. "We'd do the same for your gang."

"You lie."

"I don't lie." Jaehyun snapped. "She means something to all of us now, we'd never leave any of your gang out to die. It's unfortunate that we were on opposite sides of the fight today but we'll leave you now. Let's drop this."

Kun let out a huff, shaking his head but not arguing any further as Johnny and Doyoung quickly went and helped Taeyong to his feet.

"Fine, we'll leave this." Kun mumbled. "Get out of here." He turned on his heel, signaling the rest of the gang to follow him.

"Woah woah woah, how are we just going to let this go?"

All eyes turned at the sound of a protesting voice, Xiaojun stepping into the center with anger in his eyes.

"How can we just let Hyewon off so easily? She's obviously got split loyalties and is breaking gang rules." He growled at her.

"Xiaojun, don't do this." Jeno mumbled, stepping forward to her defense. "Just let it go."

"Easy for you to say." Xiaojun scoffed. "You're the one making her betray us. You're just trying to poach her from our gang!"

Jeno growled lowly as the two boys faced on another, both of them slowly walking up on eachother as the tension mounted.

"Xiaojun, enough!" Hyewon yelled, shoving the boys apart. "I am part of WayV, understand? I have a lot of love for NCT and I will protect them as well when I can, and you'll just have to accept that!"

Xiaojun's chest rose and fell as he glared at her.

"Let's go home." She said, harshly bumping his shoulder as she walked back towards her gang and the others began to turn.

"Well..." he said, barely a whisper. "I can't just accept that."

Everyone turned as Jeno let out a gasp, Hyewon spinning around to see him locked in Xiaojun's arms, the older boy pressing a gun to his head.

"Here's your chance Hyewon!" He yelled, a crazed look in his eyes. "Choose a side."

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