Chapter 9 | "gonna be alright"

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"Hey babe, how was your walk?" Xiaojun asked as she walked into his room.

"It was uh it was good." She said nervously, letting out a deep sigh. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay.... What's up?" He asked, sitting up straighter.

Come on, Hyewon, just rip the bandaid off and say it.

"We need to break up." She blurted out, forcing the words out of her mouth before she could chicken out.


She saw the shock on his face, his eyes filled with confusion and sadness that made her heart ache for what she was doing to him.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to keep stringing you along more than I already have when I know you're not my colors." She said softly.

"What are you talking about, Hyewon? I know it's been difficult waiting but I'm sure we'll get our colors soon." He said quickly. "We don't know for sure yet so-"

"Xiaojun...." She said softly with a shake of her head, cutting him off. "I do know for sure."

His eyes widened in realization before he slumped back into his chair.

"You can see color, can't you?" She nodded. "And I still can't..."

She didn't say anything, giving him a few seconds to process everything.

"Who is it then?" He asked softly, his voice breaking.

"I-I don't know." He turned his tear filled eyes on her, his expression making her gulp. "I mean... I didn't get their name, we just made eye contact and it happened then he disappeared when a crowd came."

He just nodded silently, not saying anything.

"Xiaojun, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you." She said quietly, the silence becoming unbearable.

"It's alright. I'm gonna need time."

"Of course."

"But I'll be alright." He said with a slow nod of his head. "I'm happy for you, you deserve this and I know there's someone out there for me."

"You're gonna find them, Jun, and they're gonna make you so happy. Im so sorry we had to end like this."

"It's alright. I'll always love you, I want you to know that." He quickly pulled her into a hug, wanting to hold her tight for one last time. "We'll be alright, I promise. You couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted to."

"Good, because I certainly don't want to. I really am sorry, I know we were hopeful."

"It's alright, Hyewon, we're gonna be alright. We weren't meant to be together, but I have no doubt that you were still meant to be a part of my life." He said with a sad smile.

"Thanks, Jun."

"Of course. Now go talk to Lucas, I'm sure he's already waiting for you in your room." He said with a forced chuckle.

She knew he was heartbroken and just wanted his space so with a dip of her head, she stood and left his room. The moment she arrived in her room, Lucas was on his feet, pulling her into a comforting hug as she cried her eyes out.

- - -

The week had been tense. After crying to Lucas, she finally felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She was still incredibly guilty but happy to have done what needed to be done.

The boys didn't take particularly well to the news, but they understood that soulmates aren't something that could be controlled and wished her the best of luck.

The rest of the week basically consisted of Lucas sticking to her like a magnet to keep her upbeat, and so that Xiaojun could have some space to process everything.

Now they were here in a mission, creeping through the darkness of an abandoned warehouse where one of NCT's enemies was apparently residing.

Taeyong had called Kun earlier that day to ask for a few of them to back NCT up since it was closer to WayV's territory and it just so happened to be the same warehouse that Hyewon had wiped out only a month ago.

She and Lucas crept through the hallways, some of the masked members of NCT shuffling along next to them. Her muscles were tense, waiting for an attack from the unknown gang they were ambushing or even from NCT themselves.

She jumped at the sound of a thud, one of the NCT members tripping over a stray crack in the cement. She watched as he quickly regained his composure and stood up straight again.

Her jaw dropped as she met the gaze of someone all too familiar. The eyes she'd been searching weeks for, piercing out over his mask. He must've noticed her too because she saw the way he instantly stiffened.

"You good, Hye?" Lucas asked from beside her with a whisper.

"Yeah yeah, sorry let's keep moving." She said quickly as they continued to their assigned posts.

After leaving Lucas at his spot, she continued down into a dark hallway, stopping at her assigned location. The whole time she couldn't stop thinking about that boy. He was here. Her soulmate was here. She just had to find him once they got this job over with.

Just then she heard a thump making her flinch, a knife digging into the wall next to her head. Her eyes widened in alarm as she quickly pulled out her gun to search for her attacker, but she soon relaxed when she saw a familiar dark figure staring at her through the window across the courtyard. He dipped his head to her before turning and disappearing.

She quickly turned to the knife, pulling it out of the wall and looking at the blade. Scrawled on it in black marker was a phone number.

She smiled to herself, letting out a breath of relief before quickly shoving the knife into her harness before focusing on the task at hand.

She smiled to herself, letting out a breath of relief before quickly shoving the knife into her harness before focusing on the task at hand

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