Chapter 26

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"Xiaojun what the fuck are you doing?" She yelled, taking a step towards them.

"Don't move!" Xiaojun yelled. "I'll shoot him!"

"You'll start a gang war!"

"See if I care." He growled. "I'm sick and tired of seeing the girl that I love living the life of her dreams with someone else! Bouncing carelessly from gang to gang just because everyone is too soft to treat you properly! So now, I'll lay down the law: pick where your loyalties lie or I'll shoot your little lover boy."

She gulped, not making eye contact with anyone as she thought long and hard. Hyewon could feel her heart starting to break as tears rose to her eyes. Slowly, she lifted her gaze, the tears fully streaming down her cheeks as she looked between Xiaojun and Jeno.

Jeno's heart ached at seeing her in such pain, and despite his heart pounding in his chest from the fear with Xiaojun's barrel digging straight into the side of his head, he wanted to comfort her. Hyewon watched as Jeno stared at her, the fear in his eyes hidden by his love for her.

It's okay. He mouthed to her. It's gonna all be okay.

"Hyewon," Taeyong spoke up from where he was being suspended by Jaehyun and Johnny. "I just want you to know that you'll always have a place with us if you wanted it."

She sighed, nodding her head gratefully at the older boy. She already knew they'd accept her if she chose them.

"Wonnie, it'll be okay." She heard from behind, looking over her shoulder to see Lucas giving her a reassuring smile. "Follow your heart and we'll figure out the rest."

She sighed, flashing her best friend a small smile before staring back to the boys in front of her. She met eyes with Jeno, her heart pulling towards him as she felt the anger rise in her throat at the sight of Xiaojun holding him.

"Okay fine, I'll choose." She said lowly, glaring at the older boy.

All the boys around her tensed up as she let out a sigh, everyone nervously awaiting her decision. She shook her head, trying to force out the words that she knew would break her heart.

The problem wasn't that she didn't know which side to pick, the problem was that she did. She knew instantly the moment the words left Xiaojun's mouth where her heart was pulling her. And that certainty might've been what pained her the most.

"I choose Jeno." She said firmly, hearing some of her gang members gasp from behind her. "And NCT."

Taeyong dipped his head to her as Xiaojun slowly released Jeno in shock.

"I pick the gang that won't make me pick between family and true love." She added with a pointed glare to Xiaojun as she crossed the clearing and ran into Jeno's arms.

"Hey, are you okay?" He whispered to her, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Yeah I'm fine, you?"

"All good now that I've got you." He mumbled before releasing her.

The rest of NCT slowly gathered around her. She could see the excitement in their eyes but could tell that they were restraining themselves for her sake.

"Welcome to the gang, Hyewon." Taeyong said with a small smile. "I know that was a tough thing you just had to do and for that I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Tae..."

"No it's not, so know that as long as you're with us, you'll be freee to go see them whenever you'd like, just no missions." He said with a small smile. "I just want you to be happy."

"Thank you, Taeyong."

"Of course, now I think you've got some people to say goodbye to." He said softly, nodding his head towards her old gang.

She nodded her head, breaking from her huddle of boys and walking over to where her gang was gathered as Kun scolded Xiaojun.

"-dangerous! She's our family, I cannot believe you'd ever do something so reckless and heartless! I'm incredibly disappointed in you..."

"Hey guys." She said quietly as she cut off Kun's rant. "Just wanted to come and apologize and say goodbye I guess."

"No no, don't apologize Hyewon." Kun said, quickly pulling her into his arms. "This is in no way your fault, and we all knew it was coming."

She couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face as she nodded her head.

"You were meant to be with Jeno and we all knew what that would eventually lead to." He said softly, tears in his eyes as well. "I just didn't know I'd have to let go of you so soon."

"I'll always love you guys, you're forever my family and I'll be coming around to visit as long as I'm welcome." She said, pulling each of the boys, except Xiaojun, into a tight hug.

"You're alwYs welcome, okay? Always." Kun said with a nod as they bowed to her and headed back to the vans, leaving her alone with Lucas, who hadn't moved since she arrived.

"Lucas?" She said quietly, going to stand in front of her best friend. "Say something."

"You're really going?" He said faintly, raising his eyes to look at her. "You're leaving us?"

She felt her heart rip in half as she saw the tears streaming down his face, causing her to break out into more sobs.

"I'm so sorry Lucas, I never wanted to lose you." She said, running into his open arms. "I can't lose you, I-I won't! We'll always be best friends, okay? I promise. I'll never find anyone like you."

"You swear?" He asked, wiping his tears and forcing a smile. "Don't go replacing me with one of those NCT boys or else I might have to join them too."

She laughed lightly at his joke, shaking her head.

"I would never even think about it, though I'm sure they'd let you into the gang."


"Yeah, I'm sure they would." She said with a nod. "But no, your place is here. With the guys. But I'll always be only a phone call away, alright?"

"I love you, Hye. You're the greatest." He said softly before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I love you too Lucas, you're irreplaceable to me." She replied with a smile. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"See you soon."

With a smile, the two turned and parted ways, each heading to leave with their gangs. Hyewon refused to look back, only ahead to her new future with the boy she loved, her soulmate, her colors.

Hi hi! I know this ending was a bit abrupt but honestly I didn't hVe many ideas for how to end it :( but don't worry, there will be an epilogue soon! Hope you enjoyed the book and look forward to new releases in the new year! Love you all!

-Author Hyun

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