Chapter 15 | "happy birthday"

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"Morning guys!" Hyewon said cheerily as she walked into the kitchen the next day.

"Morning, birthday girl." Kun chuckled as he slid her a cup of coffee. "How's it feel to finally be 21?"

"It's like a whole new world." She said playfully, earning a smile from the older boy.

"Where is she? Where's Hyewon?" Lucas shouted as he busted into the kitchen, almost breaking the door in the process.

"Lucas, please be careful, it's been less than a week since you last broke a door." Kun sighed.

"Happy birthday, bestie!" Lucas screamed, completely ignoring Kun and scooping Hyewon into a bone crushing hug. "You're getting so old wow what a grandma."

"You're literally older than me, you walking wrecking ball!" She laughed out as he put her down.

Soon Hendery, Yangyang, Winwin, and Ten all walked in, each of them wishing her a happy birthday as they gathered around the table.

"The baby is getting all grown up." Ten said, wiping fake tears from his eyes. "Anything special planned for today?"

"I don't think so, just-"

She cut off as the door swung open, Xiaojun walking in.

"Hey guys." He said with a nod, grabbing an apple from the counter before heading out to the living room. "See ya."

The guys stayed quiet, all surprised that he'd forgotten her birthday. Hyewon couldn't lie that she was disappointed. When they were still dating, he could never remember that type of thing; her birthday, their anniversary, etc. He always claimed that it was a joke but she didn't believe him and it still hurt her. She just shook it off, knowing that she shouldn't blame him after all she'd put him through over the last month, especially since their relationship had taken an awkward turn the last two days.

"So what we're you saying about plans for today?" Hendery asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh well, I don't really think I'm doing anything. Probably just-"

She cut off as her phone buzzed. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen to see who'd messaged her.

"One second." She mumbled as she saw Jeno's name pop up, quickly opening up the message to read it.

Hey, are you free today?

She smiled to herself, quickly typing a response as they boys watched her in silence.

Yeah, what's up?

Meet me in the park in 30 minutes.

What are we doing?

You'll see.

"Never mind what I was saying, turns out I have plans." She said with a smile. "I'll be back tonight."

"Where are you going?" Kun asked before she could leave.

"Just out with... some old friends from school. See you later." She quickly ducked out of the room before they could ask any more questions, heading straight to her bedroom to put on some quick makeup.

- -

Hyewon arrived in the park right on time, turning in circles as she looked for Jeno but the boy was no where to be seen. The park was basically empty seeing that it was 10am on a Thursday, so no one was really out. Just as she was about to text him, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Happy Birthday."

She spun around to see Jeno standing there with a small black box in his hand.

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