Chapter 17 | "gave up"

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When they arrived, Hyewon was surprised to see how full the hall looked. To her knowledge, there were no new gangs to be joining them that night.

As her eyes surveyed the crowd, she quickly realized why. NCT was already there.

"Shit." Kun mumbled as he checked his watch. "We're not late but why are they here already?"

The older boy just shook his head and quickly led them into the fray, her leader glancing around for Taeyong.

"Kun, you made it." A voice said, Taeyong finding them before Kun could even begin searching.

"Ah yes Taeyong, you're early today." He replied with a nervous chuckle. "I thought we'd come late."

"Oh no we just decided to come a bit early to this one." Taeyong replied, making eye contact with Hyewon from over Kun's shoulder. "Give us a bit more time to mingle with everyone."

She smiled, dipping her head ever so slightly to him as he continued to distract her leader. Soon she felt a nudge from her side, seeing Lucas signaling for her to slip away while she could. Flashing him a grateful glance, she allowed herself to be swallowed up by the crowd.

"Psst." She turned to see Jaehyun and Mark staring at her from behind. "Sneaking away?"

"Yeah maybe, would you guys be able to help a girl out?" She asked jokingly, the two boys already linking arms with her and pulling her through the crowd.

"Hey there." She heard a voice say as Jaehyun and Mark released her.

She turned around to see Jeno smiling down at her, his hair slicked back and looking handsome as ever.

"Hey Jeno." She said, giving him a quick hug.

"I feel like we haven't seen each other since forever, I've missed you." He said softly. "How've you been?"

"Pretty good, I've missed you too."

"Any awkward encounters?" Jeno asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah a ton." She groaned, thinking back to all the tense run ins she'd had with Xiaojun the past few days. "I really could've used a gaming session with you and the guys."

"They've missed you too." He chuckled. "How about tomorrow? Up for another training session and movie night?"

"Sounds perfect, I've been wanting to get away for a bit." She replied lightly.

"Well good. By the way, pay attention to announcements tonight." Jeno said.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"Taeyong might be proposing something that may or may not have been my idea."

"Ugh I hate listening to announcement, but for you, I guess I'll-"


They turned at the sound of a hushed whisper, Lucas quickly making his way towards them.

"Lucas? What's wrong?" She asked, seeing the worry on the tall boy's face.

"Kun saw you and started asking questions." He replied. "I said you were just being friendly but he and Xiaojun are suspicious."

"Ugh damnit, thanks Lucas." She groaned, turning back to Jeno. "By the way, Lucas, this is Jeno. Jeno, this is my best friend, Lucas."

"Wait, is he your...?"

"Mmhmm it's him."

"Damn NCT? No ones gonna be screwing with you, Hye." Lucas chuckled as he turned to Jeno. "It's nice to meet you man."

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